Chapter Eight: Gone Wrong

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     "Do you think we could dig our way out?" Austin asks.

     "We could, but the snow on the top of the cave could fall," Kayla says.

     "Let's try to dig our way out," Austin says and walks to the entrance that has been covered in snow.

     Kayla follows Austin and they start to dig their way out.

     Back at home, Lloyd still hasn't come out of his room. He's been worried ever since Luke has gone missing. Cole, Kai and Jay are worried about Lloyd and feel guilty that they couldn't help him. Nya and Alexis worried about him too.

     "Have you seen Kayla recently?" asked Nya.

     "Yeah," Alexis replied. "She's with Austin... again."

     "What's wrong with that?"

     "Ever since those two kissed, Kayla hasn't been spending time with us anymore."

     Nya rolled her eyes, "That's a silly reason. You're just jealous because you don't have a boyfriend."

     Alexis looked at Nya with a serious look, "What did you just say?"

     Nya blushed and giggled, "I knew it! I knew you were jealous!"

     Alexis sighed and put her pillow over her face to cover her anger and tried to control it.

     "Have any of you seen my little brother?" Jay asks in curiosity. "He's supposed to meet me back here and train."

     "Haven't seen him," Kai says.

     "I think he's with my sister," Cole says.

     Jay sighs, "Great." Jay shakes his head, stands up and walks outside.

     "Where do you thing he's going?" Kai asks.

     "This is Jay we're talking about," Cole smirks. "Who would know?"

     Kai snorts. "Good point."

     "Now, Luke," The Overlord says, "Where is your so called family?"

     "How should I know?" Luke cries.

     "Maybe, when I possess your body, then you shall tell me."

     Luke screams, "No! Please! I really don't know! Please don't make me kill my own family!"

     "It's the only way I can kill them!" The Overlord says in a loud and strong voice. "Who would expect a child to kill his own family?"

     Tears run down the child's face. He knows what The Overlord is going to do next, and he wishes that he was home with Lloyd.

     Kayla sighs, "At least we're making progress."

     "We're almost there! I can feel it!" Austin says with excitement. "Just one more gust of wind, and we'll be outta here!"

     "Alright," Kayla says. "Do it."

     Austin makes a ball of visible air in his hands and pushes it through the wall of snow. Sunlight. They made it out.

     Kayla smiles and sighs with relief, "We finally made it."

     Austin laughs, "Maybe we should do that again sometime." Suddenly, they both stop smiling. They remember what they heard earlier and now they can hear them again.

     "Where are you? Show your faces!" Kayla yelled to the droids.

     "Surprise..." A voice called. The S's were held as if a snake were saying it. And then he appeared.

     "Pythor?" Austin said.

     "I didn't mean to startle you, but I need to say, you won't be able to tell our secret," Pythor smirks.

     "What secret?" Kayla asked worried.

     "You don't know?" Pythor laughed.

     "What are you talking about?" Austin asks confused.

     Pythor laughs evilly, "We are the ones who kidnapped Luke. Oops..."

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