Chapter Six: Luke's Real Father

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     Luke is confused. "No... My father is Lloyd Garmadon, not you!"

     "Luke, I created you," the voice said. "Stop trying to hide it. Hasn't your father told you he found you in the forest? I created you to help me with something."

     "What would that be?" Luke asks.

     "To kill the rest of the ninja," the voice said.

     "No! I would never do that!" Luke yells. "I don't know who you are, but you are pure evil!"

     "I am known by many names, but most call me... Overlord," He says.

     Luke gasps. "I've heard about you! But didn't you die?"

     "I can't die. I'm a darkness that can't be cured," The Overlord says.

     "But daddy said that-" Luke was cut off.

     "Zane? He killed himself to save the city, not kill me too."

     Luke didn't know what was going on. He didn't know what to say. He was speechless.

     Lloyd couldn't find Luke at all. It was morning now, the sun had risen and there was still no sign of Luke. He decided to head back home. When he got there the ninja were already there. He opened the door and everyone looked at him with a hopefull look on their faces. Lloyd sighed and headed to him room. He went to his bed and lied down. Lloyd fell asleep. Everyone was disappointed. Kayla sighed, got up, and went outside again. This time she brought her bow. She thought that maybe training would help her get her mind off of Luke. Kayla trained with her bow for a while and she was pretty good at it already though. Austin went outside too. He leaned against a tree quietly and watched Kayla train.

     Man, she's good, Austin thought to himself.

    Kayla didn't notice Austin until she turned to the target by the tree he was leaning on. She dropped her bow when she saw him. "How long have you been watching?" she asks.

     "I dunno," Austin says. "Long enough."

     Kayla sighs and picks her bow back up. She runs and puts it inside, then comes back outside. 

     "What kind of place do we live in?"  Austin looks at the quiet sky.

     "A strange, but magical place," Kayla leans on Austin's shoulder and holds his hand.

     Austin smiles softly, "It sure is..."

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