Chapter Nine: An Unpleasent Surprise

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     "You did what?" Kayla asked in surprise.

     "Well, now that you know our little secret, I can't let you go and tell everyone," Pythor smirks.

     "Kayla! You have to get out of here and tell the others! Tell Lloyd! I'll catch up with you!" Austin says. He thinks that he can take on Pythor by himself. Kayla believes in him and runs to the house.

     "You really think she'll be safe too?" Pythor grabs Austin by the neck (What's with Pythor grabbing necks? XD).

     "I don't think, I know that she'll be okay!" Austin tries to say.

     "Ah..." Pythor says smoothly, "Young love, is it?"

     Austin blushes as he struggles to escape Pythor's grasp.

     "Guys!" Kayla pants as she opens the door. "Tell Lloyd I know where Luke is!"

     "Luke? Where is he?" Cole asks.

     "Yeah! And where's my brother?" asks Jay.

     "Well, it's a long story..." Kayla looks to the ground.

     "Kayla, tell us what happened," Kai says.

     "Well..." Kayla starts talking quickly, "Austin took me to a cave and then we heard Nindroids and then we-"

     "Wait a minute, Kayla," Nya says, "You heard what?"

     "Let me finish!" Kayla yells then continues her story, "And then we got trapped in the cave because snow blocked it, and then when we finally got out, Pythor told us The Overlord had Luke and now Austin is fighting Pythor!"

     "So let me get this straight," Alexis says. "Pythor just told you that he kidnapped Luke and now Austin is fighting Pythor?"

     "Yes! We have to go help him!" Kayla pleaded. "Where's Lloyd?"

     "I heard the whole thing," Lloyd says. "We have to go back to the city to save him."

     Kayla was already gone by the time she heard. She had to go help Austin. By the time she reached the area, he was gone. kayla fell to her knees. "I'm sorry I couldn't help you..." she put her hands on the ground and started to cry. Cole sees Kayla crying from the distance and walks over to her he kneels down on one knee and puts his hand on her shoulder.

     "We'll find him," Cole says softly. "I promise."

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