Chapter Twenty: A Familiar Face

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     Knock Knock Knock!

     It was morning and the ninja were all breakfast. Wu got up to answer the door. When he opened  it, all that was there were small footprints in the snow. Little did they know, Over-Luke was invisible and ready to strike. Overlord used his invisibility too early and it wore off as the seven year old boy crept around the table.

    "Luke?" Lloyd said in shock. All of the others looked to Over-Luke who was now partly robotic. "You're back?"

     "Technically," Overlord's voice says from Luke's body. "Alright, you caught me."

     "Luke, we know there's no way to cure you," Jay says. "And because of that, we won't let you keep coming into the forest. The tree-horns know what to look out for."

     "The tree-horns aren't part of this," Overlord says. "The forest line is clear and so is the perimeter of this house."

     "Overlord," Nya says. "Cyrus and PIXAL are working on a security system just for you. In fact they're probably setting it up right now."

     "They are alright," Kayla smirks. "I have a security system too." Aqua barks at Over-Luke loudly.

     "Luke... we have to..." Lloyd trails off. Garmadon nods at him. "I have to send you away. You aren't aloud near us any more. I'm sorry, but this is just how it has to be. I know that you were made by the Overlord and this is what he made you for. I'm proud of myself for taking care of you, but I won't take care of you any more. Goodbye, Over-Luke." Lloyd looked like he was about to go mad. He couldn't take it. His heart was in need, for it had been broken.

     A few months later, everything was well. Over-Luke hasn't showed his face since that day. Kayla and Aqua were having fun in the snow. Austin took Kayla's hand in his as they begin to walk to the lake. Hoping that there would be ice. To there surprise there was. Kayla, Austin, and Aqua ran back to the house to tell the others. While they were inside someone knocked on their door. Lloyd opened the door. When he did, he put his hand over his mouth and gasped. Not in a bad way, but a good surprised gasp. The others gasped as well.

     "What's the matter? No welcome back?" the man asks. It was a familiar face. Someone they haven't seen in a long time. For seven years.

     "Z-Z—" Kai stammers, "Zane...?"

     "Zane? You're alive!" Lloyd throws his arms around him.

     "Indeed," Zane replies. "I'm finally reunited with my brothers and sisters."


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