Chapter Fifteen: Death Awaits

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     "Here," Luke says in a soft voice. "This was my old home." Over-Luke (Good name?) approached the ninja's house quietly. Over-Luke put his ear to the side of the house. He heard people talking, but couldn't tell who it was. He approached the back window of the house. Nobody was in the kitchen, so he sneaked in and grabbed a knife on his way out. The talking was slightly louder now. He walked out of the kitchen quietly.
     "Luke," Overlord says. "I'll make you invisible to kill. That's one of the many things you can do with me inside." Luke nods as Overlord makes him invisible. Luke tightens his grasp of the kitchen knife He approaches the girls' room quietly and presses his ear against the door. Someone's inside.
      Most likely Kayla, Alexis, or Nya.

     "What do you mean he?" asked Jay.
     "As in the Digital Overlord? Yeah, we know," Kai said.
    "No," Cyrus says. "I mean as in Zane Julien." Shock struck everyone's faces except for PIXAL and Cyrus. 
    "You see, while you all were at Zane's funeral, it started to snow, correct?" PIXAL asks. The ninja nod. "I wasn't there, and I was right here in this room. I noticed some of the monitors were glitching. I thought it could have been the Overlord Virus, but pictures and clips of Zane started flashing on the screens. And then Zane was trying to communicate with me. We're still trying to figure out some way to bring him back."
     "Wow," Austin says. "You guys have been busy since we last saw you, huh?"
     "Yes, Austin," Cyrus says in a pleasant tone.
     "How do you want us to stop the Overlord?" Lloyd asks.
     "Since it isn't too serious, I guess you could make up a plan of your own," Cyrus says.
     "Do you know the location?" Cole asks.
     "Last time I saw his signal, it was in this city, but he's always moving. so I'll check again," Cyrus turns on one of his gadgets and searches for the Overlord. "Says's here he's... in the Birchwood Forest?"
     "He must have possessed the child and went on by now," PIXAL says.
     "Luke?" Lloyd says softly. "You mean the Overlord possessed my son?"
     "He's your son?" Cyrus asks.
    "Well, I found him when he was just a baby in the forest," Lloyd says. "Ever since then, I raised him as my own."
    "Lloyd," PIXAL says, "the child that you found, isn't human. He was created by the Overlord to possess him when he was older."
     "He..." Lloyd hesitated, "he is...?" Lloyd's cheeks felt hot. His stomache twisted in a knot.
     "Yes, Lloyd," Cyrus says. "But you were a good father for Luke, correct?" Lloyd nods. "Then there's nothing to worry about. As soon as you take the virus out of Luke, he'll be fine."

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