Chapter 7- So Many Birthdays

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Chapter Status: REVISED


The Crystal Gems were currently walking through the junkyard that Amethyst called her room, since it seemed to be the origin of the horrid smell that had been wafting through the temple and Steven's living space.

"How can you live like this?!" Pearl asked appalled by the state of Amethyst's room. Even covering her nose and mouth wasn't enough to save her from the smell emanating from this place. It truly escaped her why Amethyst refused to clean this place.

"It was fine until you guys started whining." Amethyst replied unaffected by the smell in the temple. It was home after all, and she was more than upset that everyone was down here to judge her and riffle through her things.

"Amethyst, I know it's not our place to judge but could you at least look through this stuff once in a while." Blare thanked whoever was listening that he chose not to eat anything today. He was sure his stomach would have been unable to handle whatever was making this smell.

"Maybe we could avoid situations like this in the future." He lightly suggested while covering my nose. Well, if anything it was more like begging. Because he didn't think he could handle an experience like this again. The smell burned recking of ammonia. Blare didn't think anything could smell worse than rotten veggies, but this experience quickly corrected that thought.

"Yeah. Yeah. Whatever." Amethyst replied waving her hand at me dismissively. She didn't understand why everyone thought it was so bad. To her it was just another part of home.

"I found it!" Steven called out.

"Whatever it is don't touch it, Steven!" Blare advised, grateful that this whole thing would be over soon. There had to be someone listening because he thought it would take hours to find the source. Relief from this horrid smell was so close, but he was curious as to what could possibly cause such a smell.

Pearl was the first to approach Steven, "What matter of magical alloy is this?"

Blare cautiously leaned forward opening the wrapper, and a green smog was released from it. He was sure that if he were human he would have died, or at the very least been infected with some debilitating sickness.

"It's a Burrito." Garnet identified. Blare was even more horrified now that he knew what this mass of mold used to be.

"It's the tuna burrito from Aqua Mexican." Amethyst clarified as she looked at it with a sense of nostalgia.

"That place closed like five years ago." Steven said, but Amethyst took a bite of it anyway.

Blare felt sick watching her chew the 5-year-old burrito. The very sight of it made him want to barf; he found himself thinking a little differently about Amethyst in that moment as she continued to eat the burrito. He had definitely lost some of his respect for her.

"Oh, Steven that is us!" He heard Pearl say pulling him out of his disgusted trance. He would give anything to not witness this anymore. So, with whatever strength he could muster he walked over to see what they were looking at. It was an old photograph. When he leaned in to get a closer look. He realized it was a picture of the Crystal Gems with Garnet at the front punching a shark. An impressive feat of photography.

It made him a little sad that he hadn't met the Crystal Gems sooner. Despite all the strife in between this looked like an amazing adventure. It would have saved him a lot of suffering and pain, but at the same time it was amazing to see the gems in the photograph.

"Why are they dressed like old timey people, and where is Blare?" Steven asked, admiring the photo.

"That's because they are old timey people" Pearl answered.

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