Chapter 8-Steven the Sword Fighter

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A/N: In response to a message, I received I won't be releasing any drawings of Blare's Diamond form until later. The most that will be shown are silhouettes. Thanks for reading! Please tell me what you think of the new chapter. :)

P.S. Episode request are still open

Chapter Status: REVISED


Today was one of the rare rainy days in Beach city, which sadly landed on a day that we were spending time with Steven. They had other plans, but a lazy day in was okay too. Plus, the movie was actually pretty decent in Blare's opinion even if the sword fighting left much to be desired.

On the other hand, Pearl was anything but impressed and had complained about the majority of the movie, but they chose to ignore her comments for the most part in favor of a passive movie viewing experience.

"Oh, come on this is ridiculous. Just look at their form. This is nothing like real sword fighting." Pearl criticized but she was quickly shushed by the others.

Steven just laughed at Pearl, "It's just a movie Pearl." Shifting to get more popcorn from his place on top of Garnet's head.

"Well, if you ever want to see a demonstration of proper sword techniques, I'd be happy to show you." Pearl offered, immediately grabbing Steven's attention.


Which lead them to all sitting in Sky Arena.

"All right. In order to give a proper demonstration, I'm going to need a sparring partner. " Pearl announced testing the weight of her blades. Steven attempted to raise his hand, but thankfully Garnet gently put his hand back down.

Now on the other hand Blare was more than happy to help out. It would be a great opportunity to loosen up. He respected Pearl's love of the blade. "I'll help you," Blare offered, ignoring the stares he got.

"Well then, let's get started," Pearl said looking at me with slight uncertainty before passing me the sword. She had seen some of Blare's swordplay in short stints over the years. He seemed well versed in the blade, but sapphires were not usually seen in combat. Though she supposed the same could be said for her cut of gem as well.

This could be fun, so without another thought Pearl tossed Blare the other blade. Blare caught it with ease admiring it. It was well maintained and felt great in his hand.

Despite the obvious comfort Blare seemed to have Pearl wasn't the only one with mixed feelings. Garnet was worried as well. He rarely ever summoned his weapon and was just as rarely involved in combat. If anything, these past few months were the most consistently they had seen him fight.

Taking his stance, Blare was more than excited to spar with Pearl. Maybe they can see eye to eye a little more after this. Blade held at eye level; gaze hardened as he focused on his opponent. "I hope you're ready Pearl. Despite my absence in combat, you'll find that I'm still a challenging opponent," Blare smirked.

"Well then let this battle determine our skill," Pearl returned, taking her own stance, her feet pointed as if she were going to start dancing. Garnet, Amethyst, and Steven watched with bated breath. While Blare adjusted his stance relaxing his feet and shoulders mimicking Pearl. Something that definitely gained Pearl's further interest.

"Nerds!" Amethyst cried. Steven and Garnet quickly shushing her before turning back to the two.

The tension rose as Pearl and Blare's eyes remained locked, and before anything else could be said the two rushed forward. When their blades collided the force sent out a shockwave that pushed Steven back and blew Garnet's hair.

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