Chapter 40-Same Old World/Barn Mates

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A/N: Alright this update is super long over 5000 words. Super excited for this one and points to anyone that notices the change in the story. As anticipated things are getting intense. Hope you enjoy the chapter and catch you later. :)


Black's Pov 

To say things were changing was an understatement. How did I get here? With such wonderful friends, family and amazing significance other(s). Breaking my train of thought I turned to watch Peridot. She was about to start her animated retelling of their journey to the Cluster.

"It was so intense down there. We were already a few layers into the Earth's crust when suddenly Wapamo! Kapowy! All these gross clusterlings started clawing at the drill, so I whip out the old photon blaster." Peridot described making a finger gun with her hand, she reenacted the moment making shooting noises.

I laughed to myself glad that Peridot was having fun with this. "Take that Cluster! And Steven was all, "My feelings, "and then up and passes out on me." I smile as Peridot continues her story.

"Then everything started glowing and then there was this-" Peridot paused her eyes briefly flickering in my direction, but that's all it took.

I saw it.

The fear in her eyes. I narrowed my eyes at her and I could see her shiver ever so slightly. She knows.

"I'm sure Steven can fill you in on the rest since he's the one who saved us. You should've seen it. Right Steven? Tell them what happened in there." Peridot said recovering from her realization. 

I decided to confront her later turning my gaze to an unusually silent Steven. "Steven?" Peridot called confused by his lack of input and enthusiasm to retell the story. 

I turned to see what he was staring at and I instantly knew what he was thinking about. I would be lying if I said I wasn't concerned about Lapis too. "Hold on, I'll be right back." Steven said getting up and walking to the barn. 

"Garnet." I called looking to my partner. She nodded her head understanding what I was referring to. "Come on, let's go talk to him." Garnet says offering me her hand. I gladly take it as we walk after Steven. 

As we approach Steven we see him peering into the barn at Lapis. Garnet let's go of my hand and places it on Steven's head. "I see you're worried about your friend." Garnet says standing next to him. I go to stand beside her looking at Lapis still unconscious in the barn.

"Yeah when I saw her in my dreams. It looked like she was fighting so hard to keep Malachite from escaping." He said with a worried expression. "Fusion should never be like that." I commented looking at Steven.

"Lapis spent an unbearable amount of time fused with Jasper. The emotional and physical strain of that type of fusion. I can't imagine it. She's going to need a lot of time to recover." Garnet explained. 

"And when she wakes up Steven she's going to need a friend. Someone to be there for her and help her through it all. She'll have us but more importantly she'll need you." I added with a soft smile. 

"You're right." Steven replied but he still looked upset. "Come on I'm dying to hear more about what happened underground." Garnet smiled lightening the mood. 

She never ceases to amaze me with her strength and kindness. I found myself smiling lovingly at the fusion/gem that I had fallen in love with. I continued to admire her as I watched the two walk back to finish the story. 

Turning my gaze to Lapis I began to wonder how this was going to work. Jasper is in the Beta Kindergarten and there's no telling if she'll even be there when it's safe for me to go back. Lapis is unconscious in this barn and whether or not she still trust me has yet to be determined. she knows I'm Black Diamond, and I'm positive the only thing keeping her from exposing me is the thought of what I'll do to her afterwards. 

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