Chapter 53-It Didn't Last

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A/N: Hello everyone, sorry this one took so long. Schools ad me really busy lately. I wanted to post last month since it was the one year anniversary! Yay! Though that obviously didn't work out. Anyway I hope you guys like the chapter. 

P.S. I'm making art for the one year anniversary, but it's not done yet and I didn't want to delay the chapter. I'll post it when I finish though. Thanks for reading and have a nice day. 


3rd Person Pov

Carnelian clung to the mane of the corrupted quartz feeling a strange and overtaking feeling of exhaustion. It was like he wanted to fall apart and stay together all at the same time. The latter seemed to be winning, so he settled on closing his eyes as the quartz trudged through the water.

Everything seemed to move slower as his thoughts filtered through all of the things that were happening. The Crystal Gems seemed to be apprehensive about him, and a small part of him was hurt by it. But at the same time, he could careless seeing as he had never truly known them himself. They were just memories from a gem that wasn't him. Though he would never deny the connection he had to them.

He felt weak whenever he saw them. It was always felt like he was being split in half when he saw them. One part of him burned with rage screaming at him to ripe them apart. The other seemed to reach out fruitlessly in to them filled with nothing but love. It always left him confused and exhausted. The two mixed together but every now and then he wanted to give into his primal desire for battle.

The sunset sky soon faded into the darkness of night. The two had finally arrived at the Beta Kindergarten. Carnelian couldn't be more relieved. The corrupted quartz took a seat in one of many carved out exit holes. Carnelian followed close behind taking a seat next to her. "Thank you for your help." He said giving her one of his nervous smiles. He softly rubbed her running his hands through her mane.

"I-I'm not quite s-sure what I would do if I had to actually fight them." Carnelian commented his fingers fidgeting ever so slightly. Everything seemed to mellow down. "Why can't we fight them?" Carnelian shot up his hand flying to cover his mouth, but it was too late. Their internal argument had already bubble up to the surface. His mouth twitched with unspoken words as he desperately tried to hold himself together, but it was a fruitless effort his hands fell from his mouth. "We talked about this I can't do it. They mean so much to me fighting the Crystal Gems is not an option." Carnelian said his voice deeper as Black Diamond spoke through him.

"They are nothing to me and they should mean nothing to you. They took her and they hurt you." Jasper argued. Carnelian's form began to softly glow his body starting to unravel. "I know!" Black cried tears running down Carnelians face. "NO! If you understood you wouldn't be defending them!" Jasper yelled Carnelian stood up his hands clenched into fist. There was silence and then within an instant Carnelian collapsed splitting into Jasper and Black Diamond.

"I KNOW! I'M NOT BLIND! YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND ANYTHING!" Black Diamond yelled towering over Jasper in all his glory. His hands clenched tightly glowing an eerie purple in the darkness of the night as his eyes shimmered dangerously with ever color of the light. The corrupted quartz shook in fear moving further into the hole she had claimed for herself. Jasper stood stock still staring up at the patriarch. She shivered as she stared into his eyes in shock as fear seized her being.

She had never seen him like this a small part of her adored the feeling while another screamed at her to not show weakness under his furious gaze. "I will not be accused of abandoning Pink! What has happened to her was a result of her own recklessness, and I will not be held accountable for it! That war was never my battle to fight! I wanted no part in it yet here I am! Running and hiding from a war that I was forced into!" His shoulders rose and fell with the intensity of his anger and frustration. Years of pain and devastation pouring out through his words.

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