Chapter 16- Alone together

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Blare's Pov

It's been a couple days since we saw the Peridot at the Galaxy Warp, and Garnet helped me calm down and regain my peace of mind afterwards, which I'm very grateful for. I don't know what I'd do if she hadn't helped me out. I want to do something to show her my appreciation. I just don't know what. "I got it! No that wouldn't work. Maybe Steven and Amethyst can help me. I had to hurry up I wanted to do it after we finished teaching Steven the concept of fusion. 


Steven's Pov 

Me and Amethyst were hanging around the house. Today since we wouldn't be doing anything, until later today. "Come on Steven there has to be something we can do." Amethyst moaned turning over on the couch to look at me. "Steven! Amethyst! I need your help." Blare said walking out of the temple. "What's up Blare?" Amethyst said lazily waving at him. "What do you need help with?" I asked. He sighed sitting next to us on the couch.

"I want to do something special for someone, but I don't know what to do without making it super weird or awkward." Blare said rubbing his arm nervously. This seemed to instantly grab Amethyst's attention. "It's Garnet isn't it?" Amethyst shouted causing Blare to blush deeply. He stood to his feet quickly saying, "Don't scream it to the world Amethyst a-and it isn't like that." He said turning away from her.  "Blare likes Garnet! Blare likes Garnet!" Amethyst cheered spinning in a circle. "Really?" I asked but Blare got defensive. "I said it's not like that I just want to do something nice for her, as a way of saying thank you." Blare said the blush never leaving. 

"Well what did you have in mind?" I asked trying help him bring the focus back to what he wanted. "I don't know everything I think of is either too awkward or too similar to a..." I tilted my head in confusion not hearing that last thing he said. "What did you say?" I asked he looked down mumbling it again. "Come on Blare speak up we can't hear you." Amethyst said smiling at him. "I said it's too similar to a date." Blare said looking up again the blush on his face darker than it was last time. 

"Why not just do both at the same time?" Amethyst suggested siting back on the couch. "I-who am I kidding I do like Garnet, but I don't know if it'd work out. What if I mess up?" He asked desperate for an answer. "You won't know unless you try. You don't have to tell her know. Maybe just focus on saying thank you and if you end up telling her that's great." I suggested he nodded his head visibly relaxing. "Your right one step at a time." He said. "I still think you should just tell her, but what ever works for you. So what are you going to do for your special thank you?" Amethyst asked. 

"That's why I came to see you two I don't know what to do." Blare said throwing his hands in the air before slouching into the coach. I smiled getting an idea, "I know why don't you just take her to the beach." He frowned confused. "You can dance with her you're already so good at it, and then after that you can tell her how you feel." I said smiling at him. "When did this become a confession of my feelings I just want to say thank you." He said holding his hands up. "Come on Blare she probably already knows anyway. I like Steven's idea it's not to much or out of your comfort zone." Amethyst said. 

"I guess I can't promise a confession but I know I want to say thank you. Thank you for your help I'll take it into consideration." He said walking back into the temple. 


I sighed stepping into the pool of lava. "This is going to be harder than I thought. Amethyst is probably right Garnet tends to see everything coming." Maybe I can...."I got it" I quickly jumped out of the pool of lava and ran to Garnet's room. I looked around to see if she was around, but I guess I got lucky this time. I walked in front of the  pool of lava. I closed my eyes hoping this would work. "I thank you for your help last time. I know you don't know me and you probably don't even remember who I am, but I was wondering if you all could help me again.  I know I don't have a way of helping you besides how you are right now, but I promise I'll find a way to fix this." I said looking at all of the bubbled gems.

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