Chapter 65-Gem Harvest

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A/N: One more thing if you do end up reading the newly revised chapters I would love to hear your feedback in the comments section. Enjoy.


Twelve hours. It's been exactly twelve hours since their disastrous and wonderous date. Ha, date. Something about thinking about it made Black feel warm as irrational as that was, but what could he say it was the undeniable truth.

So, there he was lying at the door to the temple, waiting with the goofiest smile plastered on his face. He could still feel the warmth from the kiss she placed on his gem, and he could even feel the gentle feeling from when she held him close. It was more than safe to say he was smitten. It was like they had started over from the very beginning rather than picking up where they left off. If it felt like this, who was he to complain?

So, there Black Diamond was laying on the ground waiting for when he saw her next. If he was lucky his overwhelming joy would mellow into blissful sleep. Which felt unlikely since he could barely stand to blink his still starry eyes.


"My Diamond. My Diamond wake up today's events must proceed as scheduled." The grey pearl called shaking their leader. "My Diamond! Wake up!" They finally yelled causing the gem in question to finally rise with a start. The pearl rolled their eyes as they watched their diamond yawn. "Honestly, I don't understand why you insist on sleeping for as long as you do. If you even cut back an hour, we would have significantly more time to do things." He scolded.

Black Diamond chuckled standing to his feet. Looking down at his friend questioningly, and as if Lea had read his mind with an exasperated sigh, they answered his silent question. "Today is the Harmonic Festival. You insisted that I wake you in time. Your opening speech to all planets under our watch is within an hour. I'm sure you'll come up with something when you get there, but you and I both know that it is for the best that you have time to properly awaken prior to the broadcast." Lea relayed, adjusting his glasses.

A bright smile spread across Black's face. Without warning he swept Lea off his feet spinning around. "Oh, that's right. Today is going to be amazing!" Black cheered. Lea though listening was blushing madly from the close contact with their diamond. "Y-yes today is sure to be the best Harmonic Festival to date." He answered, attempting to escape his diamond's grip.

"Aren't you excited!" Black beamed. If it were even possible the pearl's blush darkened. "My diamond, this is hardly appropriate. It is one thing that you insist to be within the same relative height as your court, but these sudden displays of affection are not appropriate in a professional environment" Lea reminded him, having long given up his struggle. Black simply laughed before releasing them. Without a second thought, Black Diamond quickly changed into his form for the ceremony

Leo cleared his throat his blush having calmed down by now. "Now that this is settled perhaps, we should check in on the progress of each planet. It's best to ensure that everything is functioning properly for the broadcast and tonight's ceremony." Black just smiled heading for the door. "If you insist. Though I'm sure that you've already checked everything a hundred times over while I was asleep." Lea smirked proud of themselves, basking in the praise. "Was there ever any doubt?"

Black shook his head gesturing for Lea to lead the way in a mock bow. As they walked past each room of the main palace. Lea was informing Black of the gems' recent progress, while also updating information from the team's report. This went on for quite a while in a rather methodical way. By the time it was all over they had arrived at the throne room with precisely fifteen minutes left.

"I'm glad that preparations are running so smoothly. You've truly outdone yourself this year Lea. I was right to put you in charge of this year's festivities." Black complemented smiling down at Pearl. There wasn't much that could be done around the palace now of days. It made Black Diamond feel guilty sometimes. Like he wasn't fulfilling his role as a founding member of Homeworld correctly.

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