3 · [ choices ]

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[ Set in S6: What if Noah was forced to chose between Richelle and Jacquie?
-How will it affect his relationships and how will it affect Richacquie? Who will he choose and who will he have tension with for the rest of the season?

a-troupe in this story: richelle, noah, jacquie, finn, summer, amy, davis, henry, elliot, kingston, kenzie, piper, ozzy

// anyways, on with the oneshot! ]


noah pov

This was bad. Michelle really just told me to choose who I wanted as my duet partner, Jacquie or Richelle. This will hurt either way. My girlfriend or my ex bestfriend. How am I going to decide?! One will get hurt either way.

Love or Lust? I'm in love with Jacquie.. but I'm physically into Richelle. It's hard to choose. Even I'm going to get hurt in the end. I want both.

"Noah, just choose already." Jacquie sighed, getting impatient.
"I don't have all day. At this rate, I'll just ask Summer to be on the duet with me!" Richelle exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air in annoyance.

Alright. Both getting frustrated. But.. which is the better dancer? That's what I'm here for right, the dancing? They're both really good. Different strengths, similar styles - either would make a good dancer to pair up with.

Next, chemistry. This is the toughest questions of all. I knew this would be bad.. of course it would be in my cross off list. It had to be done though. Richelle or Jacquie? Which one do I have more chemistry with.. like, connection? Something that makes you want to get close.

Michelle was just stood by the door. She wanted to know and surely it should be easy. They both get mad at me pretty easily. Emily and Michelle wouldn't let me pick Summer, Davis or Amy.. why? Because apparently I need more of a long term connection with one of these two standing in front of me.

Jacquie's dark hair was getting lighter. Davis told me her original hair color is dirty blonde. That would definitely explain the variation in terms of the darkness of her hair. As for Richelle, she's a natural blonde but I suppose her hair would've been a bit darker by now. But that's what we have dye for- "Noah! Stop daydreaming and focus on the question!"

..."Richelle!" I blurted out. Pressure isn't my best game. That's why I don't argue with Summer. Pressure is something she can handle. I can't.

Jacquie looked into my eyes, hers were watering up. The neutral expression on her face turned to much more of a sadder straight face. What have I done?

I knew it was going to hurt. Not like this though. Richelle ran up to me and hugged me. I didn't hug back and instead watched as tears rolled down Jacquie's cheeks and a frown appeared upon her face. It made me feel bad. I watched as she ran out after having smashed the matching 'endless love' braclet she had. It was just like mine.

Maybe everyone was right. I am a heartbreaker.

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