14 · [ wrong dates ]

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[ Set in S5 time ] · Storyline: What if, Michelle was meant to go on a date with Noah and Thalia was meant to go on a date with Eldon but they accidentally got sent the wrong details? Reverse date. Not like it matters though, right?
- anyways, on with the reverse ships oneshot :)


noah pov

I looked at my watch and sighed. No sign of her. Maybe agreeing to go on a date with a picked girl from our former A-Troupe team at Internationals was a bad idea. For all I know, it could be a girl who isn't even interested in me. That would suck. I was really looking forward to this whole thing.

"Babe, are you going to sit here and wait all night long?" The waitress asked me. I shook my head and forced a smile showing how thankful I was for her concern but I know she'll show up. I mean, if anything, I have the most amazing person to connect with. It doesn't have to count as a date, I can make it.. like a hangout. Friends go to places together. Yeah, that's fine. "She isn't coming is she?" She asked, looking down on me. "Don't you have a job to do, Ms." "Yes but looking after customers is part of it all." Hmmm. 'Looking after' is what she calls flirting. Ok then.

Suddenly, I saw someone walk in. Her hair was dark brown down to an almost blonde, quite curly. She looks close to my height. I can't see her properly with all these idiots in my way. Caramel skin tone. She also had on a coral colored dress and some strap on heels. Classy. I'm a fan. I turned back to face the table and then I heard a voice say "Can I join?" "Oh uh- sure." Panicked. Don't panic Noah. She sat in front of me.

Now I recognize her. "Thals! Long time no see, eh?" "Noahhhhhh! Hey!" This was a shock but it didn't really matter. On A-Troupe, we were close friends and got on really well. It's like we barely even could tell the difference once we were up close. "Puberty hit you like a truck." "Haha thanks. I'm pretty much almost the tallest person on A-Troupe, besides Josh." She laughed and smiled. I smiled back and we continued to talk and just catch up on things.

We both stood up and compared heights. I was taller by quite a bit now. "You're tall, No. I'm 5'5" which makes you like 5'7" or some shit." "One step closer to being 6'0" you know." I replied, winking just for the comedic affect. Thal shook her head, laughing at- with me. We were laughing together. Just like old times.

"You've gotten hotter though."
"I could say the same about you."

I mocked her just for the fun of it. She then shoved me playfully and smiled. "Some things never change." "Guess not." There was silence. All the other guests in the place were talking quietly or on their phones. "You know,I didn't expect to see you." "Me neither. But, now I'm glad.." she admitted, her voice trailing off the sentence. "I'm glad too." I reassured her, putting my hand on hers. Friendship is a complicated thing. You can become so distant that you lose the old you, or you keep connected to that one friend with the same you. That's what this is.

"You're the best friend ever, Noah."
"You areeee Thals!"

It doesn't matter how this happened, I'm glad we didn't lose contact. We're former a-troupers. We stick together. Always.

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