4 · [ dancing with a stranger ]

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( Set S4 time based: what if Noah and Richelle didn't know each other but were forced to go on a date because of a bet that Noah lost. )
// a-troupe: s4 a-troupe with riley as studio head \sorry\


richelle pov

So, this boy lost a bet and now he wants to go out with me? I don't even know his name. Henry rolled his eyes and told me the whole thing again. "LaTroy and Noah made a bet, who ever has their first kiss with a girl on a-troupe first has to choose who the other person takes out on a date they don't have to pay for." I nodded. Great. Now I have to go out with him just because he failed a silly game.

"Henry! Don't make me do this." "I wish I could, Rich. I wish I could." He sighed. Henry has been my best friend for a while now and I was hoping he would convince LaTroy to let it pass but he formally refused.

The date is obviously going to be somewhere like a downtown restaurant. That's the cliche. This honestly makes me wish Josh (s2) was still in town. Then I could have had a chance with him. But nope, his parents made him move so far away he couldn't even come to TNS anymore. Oh how I miss him.

I sat down beside Henry, wearing a red dress that flared out at the bottom. My hair was in its usual blonde curls and I had my sneakers on. I'm not going to dance in heels, not a chance. "Do I look okay?" "You look fine. Just text me when it's over and I'll come with my mom to pick you up." Maybe it'll just be a quick dinner, dance, leave situation. Oh, I can only hope. This, Noah guy I'm going with - I know nothing about!

"Okay. Could you tell me some stuff about him?"
"His favourite color is green, works out a lot, the best dancer in the studio, is known for how many girls he's dated / flirted with, he can produce music, he can sing, he can play instruments of all kinds, he's kind of a perfectionist, not much of a hugger, very muscular.." That's a lot of information. Also - 'known for how many girls he's dated / flirted with', I'm not so sure about that. It makes Noah sound like a player- fuckboy even.

Just as I was protesting about it again, this guy arrived infront of us. He had an all blue tux on, with a white shirt of course. Brown hair, green eyes, muscular build - this must be Noah. Right on Henry's description.

We both got up and I was 'handed over'. "Take care of my loving Richelle. She's too much to lose." Henry said, dramatically impersonating a father giving away his daughter on her wedding day. I giggled as he did so and Noah just looked confused. Not like I wanted him to get the joke anyway.


After saying goodbye to poor old Henry, Noah drove us to.. you guessed it, a downtown restaurant. I called it and oh, how cliche it is. Very nOsTaLgIc. I've been here with my parents before. So, at the moment, I am barely impressed. No 'Wow' or 'OMG I love this', he needs to make this more exciting.

That's when he pulled up at some restaurant called Dancers Diner. Okay then. Noah and I got out the car and I followed him inside. "Reservation for LaTroy Julian." He said, rolling his eyes in annoyance that he lost the bet in the first place. Glad he feels the same way!

The waiter leads us to a table and laid down some menus before walking off to do their job. Wait. I sat opposite my brown haired date and he just shoved a menu at me. "Um, listen. I'm not here as something to be ignored. Either you start being respectful or I'll leave and you can find another girl who would date you - oh wait, none of them will want to when they hear how terrible the date was and how I left after about a minute." He looked up at me and slammed his menu on the table. Our eyes met and we formed a gaze for a second. "What would you like to order?" We were intensely glaring at each other.

"I would like the pasta with some cherry cola, please." The waiter nodded in polite response. "Can I have the number 4 burger with some lemonade." No manners? I'm going to have to address this as well?! Makes sense why Amanda dumped him now. He's just a complete idiot.

The waiter walked off again and I chose to watch the people who were dancing on the dance floor. That's going to be the best part of this all. Not looking at him and just dancing. Yep, perfect. "Stop being so perfect." "Excuse me? At least I have some manners, asshole." Noah raised an eyebrow and his eyes widened. For once he actually shut up. Thank God. I would've doubted that he would ever stop talking. Suddenly, the manager came over to our table. It's Giselle.

"Omg hey sweetie! Long time no see!"
"Hey Giselle!"
"Hey Noah!"
"Hi Giselle." was all he replied with, not even looking at her. Talk about rude.

Giselle sighed. "Noah, what happened to you? I remember when you were such a cutie and now.. puberty hit you with the wrong end of the truck in terms of hormones." before she walked off, waving me goodbye. They knew each other as well.. but he seems to just be socially inadequate. I slapped him in the face and he almost fell off his chair. Of course he was barely paying attention.

"You're the worst date I've ever had! You are rude, aggressive, never paying attention, frustrating and all in all someone I don't want to be around! I'm going home after the food and I'm not giving you any credit for a 'good date'." This was it. I was completely done with being treated like nothing at a date he anticipated in the first place. It's actually ridiculous. Slamming his hand on the table, glaring at me, calling me 'Bitch' under his breath.. I've had enough of it.

A different waiter brought our food to us. He even gave me a cupcake with blue icing and blue hearts. That's so cool! Haha, Henry will be so jelly when I tell him I got a free cupcake. I love Giselle, she's just amazing.

Noah sighed loudly. "Shut up." I said, picking up my fork and started eating my pasta silently. Food is the best part of this whole date thing. It was literally so good thought. I just stared at him whilst enjoying my pasta. He's so moody, gosh.

He started eating his food, after not touching it for like 10 minutes. This boy mumbles more than he speaks to me which has me best believing that he's just not being interactive. I NEED someone I can talk to. I unwrapped my straw and popped it into my drink before sipping it as the music started playing. He copied me but started slurping instead. I HATE SLURPING.

It pissed me off so much that I knocked his glass on the floor once it was almost empty. He held up his hands in surrender then went to grab my cupcake but I quickly picked it up and ate it. Right in his face. Nobody takes my food or annoys me. Good thing Giselle loves me and wouldn't kick me out or anything.

We had finally finished having a go at each other when I noticed some girl was on stage. "It's time to dance!" she exclaimed before walking off the stage as the music started playing. Dancing with a stranger. I thought to myself, interesting song choice. Standing up, I went over to the dance floor leaving Noah at the table. "WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" he shouted. "TO DO WHAT I LOVE." I shouted back as I walked onto the dance floor and started dancing with everyone else.

« "can you light the fire? I need somebody who can take control." »

Whilst I was dancing, Noah danced his way over to me. I guess now I was dancing with a stranger. We started doing the same moves and soon lead a whole dance crew of people doing the same moves. He tossed me in the air and caught me, allowing me to put my feet back on the ground. I did a row of front aerials as he lead everyone else before I joined in again. Maybe this was the definition of dancing with a stranger ; instant chemistry you never knew you had.

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