19 · [ Mysterious Girl ]

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[ Set in S6 ( in terms of age ) | Storyline: Noah starts dating this actress. She's slightly pushy and always wanting to be with him.. even when he's trying to work on something.
The other people on his team start to get worried and look into this a lot more as she starts being a bit suspicious with the things she does.
- CSI based :)


noah pov

Gary had just given me some information on the victim that we had found in the middle of nowhere a couple of days ago. We were still looking for this killer. I was trying to figure out the links between all of the ones killed with the one who lived. They were all killed by an electric chair that is usually a way of killing people sentenced to death. It was quite an abnormal case. Nothing like it before.

As I was looking at them all, I was interrupted by a knock on my doorway. "Yes?" "Hey Noah." It was Michelle. I had recently got her number and we had just started hitting it off. I had to make a ringcheck because of work but.. she came here? I'm a bit weirded out but it makes sense I suppose.

We sat down at the table and talked over a small picnic she bought. As I ate my sandwich, she looked at me. Not a word. Until she finally spoke up again. "Sorry if we're moving a bit fast." Michelle said, with a seductive look on her face. I admit, she is very attractive. "Aha it's fine. I don't mind a bit of rush." I replied, half smiling at her.

That was when someone else came into my room. "Hey, Noah. I've got something." she smiled. "I'll be right back okay." I whispered to Michelle before going over to Thalia who was by the door with the file.

"The victim is recovering and hopefully will be able to tell us what happened."
"Great. Mind if I just take the case, Thals?"

As I was about to take it, she held it away from me. "Who is your woman eh?" "Her name is Michelle. She was on tour here and we kinda just hit it off." She looked me dead in the eyes, close up. "Might wanna watch her. She's peeking into those other files." Shit! I grabbed the file from Thalia and walked over quickly to Michelle. "Um, what are you doing?" She immediately straightened up and leaned against my desk. "Justtttt leaninggggg." I raised my eyebrow in disbelief. "You can't look at those files. They have information that doesn't concern anyone not on the case." She nodded, sadly.

"Yeah. I didn't mean it."

Bullshit. She walked up to me and put on a smiling face to try and cover the guilt she was obviously feeling. Or how suspicious she was acting. "You can't look at those." "I know.. You know, I better get going. I have to get up early tomorrow and you have work to do." She kissed my check and hurried past me, out the door. Weird.


(A/N: based on an episode of CSI I'm watching. Myles looks exactly like the actor that portrays Greg who happens to be in that scene with a woman called Ellen. Shookening. )

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