12 · [ he isn't mine, never will be. ]

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( Set in S3 | Storyline: Thalia is starting to develop feelings for James but knows she has to get over them as he likes Riley and there's no point trying to light the flame without the fuel. Feeling the same way.
A-Troupe: Riley, James, Thalia, Eldon, Noah, Amanda, Michelle, Max, Stephanie, Giselle, Noah, West )


thalia pov

I sighed, fiddling with the straw to my juice. "You look distracted. What's up?" Of course it's him. Wonder what made him care all of a sudden. Not like I will ever know to be honest. I'm pretty much, in a way, the social outcast within a-troupe. It doesn't really concern me anymore though since its been this way the whole time.

Looking up, there stood Eldon with Noah. Okay, it's both of them. Great. They sat down with me and just stared at me awkwardly. "I'm fine. Jheez." "That's not really why we are here, Thal." Noah admitted, putting his juice down on the table. Hope he can explain for both Eldon and himself as to why they were looking for me.

..."Riley cheated on James." Eldon coughed. My eyes widened. Not that it was good. Jamie must be wondering who she decided to cheat on him with. "-and it was a girl." big, big plottwist... massive. Think my soul almost left me. That's a big mad. Who would cheat on James though? He is a decent boyfriend when he's with a girl he wants to treat right.

"You didn't hear that from us." Eldon said quickly, already having made his way somewhere.. running over random objects? Classic Eldon.

Just me and Noah now. "You wanna go rehearse because you know I've heard international level is intense." "Not wrong there, lets go." We both grabbed our drinks and went up to the studio.


Noah and I arrived in Studio A. We put our stuff away in each of our own cubbies before going onto the dance floor to practise. "You know, it's always the same people on the same dances." "True." Whilst stretching, we just had a kind of real talk. You would think talking with him would be weird, it's not weird when you're both a bit out there. Or so they say.

"Riley gets a lot of dances considering she's actual kind of a weak dancer." We looked over and saw Shantel standing by the door. She isn't even part of TNS anymore so it's random for her to be here. "Come on, you are never a main feature. Noah, you've got a quartet which is close enough to featured." We both looked at each other then looked back at her. Not like she's wrong. I'm just not a good enough dancer. Or just never a first choice. Learnt to live with that though.

We stood there silently. Miss Kate came out her office and saw Shantel. "UM NO ELITES IN THE STUDIO." She left and we went back to rehearsal before any questions were asked by the studio head. I need to prove that I'm not just an extra on A-Troupe.

I started running through the choreography. Things were distracting me. James. James and Riley. The thought of James dating such a rat really annoyed me. I started going in more harshly on the choreo, almost full out. "Tut, tut, tut, tut - BOOM! Aha Thals, looks like you got the moves perfected!" Him. Noah looked at me, confused. I fixed one of my braids and smiled at him, sarcastically. "Yes, James I had been working hard on the choreo with my friend Noah here."

"Yep. We've just been here making sure it's perfect." At least SOMEONE gets the whole add onto my exaggerated story here thing. Who knew it would be Noah. Eh, he's shown his worth anyways. Definitely a better dancer than me, yet, I admire his work ethic. Very determined. It's why we work so well. "Ah okay. When is the next whole team rehearsal?"

..."Now." Kate appeared from her office all of a sudden and the other dancers soon joined us. "By the benches." We followed her instructions at once and stood/sat over at the benches. I want to know what's so important. It seems kind of serious.

Then, some lady came in. "I'm looking for a Riley Scott?" Riley stood up. "What is it?" "Your brother has been in an accident." We all turned to her. James pulled her into a hug and rubbed his hand gently on her shoulder in sign of comfort. I rolled my eyes, everyone else appeared to be doing the same. Whoops.

"type of accident?"
"A bike crash."

We WASTED TIME to hear about a stupid teen boy crashing his bike?! Utterly ridiculous. I looked over at James and he smirked at me. "Fuck off." I mouthed, before walking away. It'll never be him and I. Always him and her. That her isn't me.

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