9 · [ vendetta ]

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[ Set in S4 timeline / What if some of the dancers were forced to go undercover at another studio in order to find out a dark secret that leads to something they've never seen before? A Vendetta.]

vendetta: a blood feud in which the family of a murdered            person seeks vengeance on the murderer or the murderer's family.
               · a prolonged bitter quarrel with or campaign
                 against someone

synonyms: feud, blood feud, quarrel, argument, falling-out, wrangle, clash, altercation, dispute, fight, war.


james pov

We had gone to the change room to get out more necessary things for the trip. Going undercover at a studio that's Studio Head is planning revenge on Kate wasn't our first plan but it was all that we could do to find out the most intel on the plan.

I was going with the most ruthless persona's we have. Thalia Richardson, Emily Scott and Noah Erlick are the ones that have followed me on this mission to receive links that could help us later on. It was never actually realised that we were going to become the federal agents of our lifetime. Reminds me of NCIS.

Having been given ID's and been equipped by actual federal agents, it was important that we got what we need from these crackheads before it's too late. They decided actual dancers could be of use to the case of suspected homicide. As long as we don't find anything too suspicious.. we will be okay.

I took hold of the sports bag which actually had our stuff in it. The latex gloves, evidence bags of all sizes and some ammo in case we run out. Messing around with this much on the line with put everyone at risk.

Considering Kate's sister started working for this same studio but vanished yesterday, it was obvious something wasn't right. Sure Phoebe was a bit weird but whichever sociopath killed her has some issues.. If she's dead that is. Hope not yet anything is possible. Anything.

They were holding auditions and we had to make sure that we used fake names in order to get in. "Georgia, take your bag will you?" I looked at Emily. She rolled her eyes and followed Noah.. aka Nick into the studio. It didn't look too bad, although, as they say.. Looks Can Be Deceiving and its a pretty spot on quote.

The choreographer came up to us and shook each of our hands but Thalia was a bit hesitant. "Honey, I'm fine thank you." She said, moving away from the lady. Being rejected hurts but I can understand why she isn't here for physical interaction with that odd lady.

"Okay, first we have January." Yeah, Thalia is way too extra for my liking sometimes. It is actually smart of her to use an uncommon name though so I have mixed opinions on that. I nodded to her and she went onto the dance floor, starting to dance. Classic improv.

Noah and Emily went to start searching meanwhile I stayed with Thal to look out for any possible suspects that could be linked to Phoebe's case and the suspicion that it was a homicide.

When she finished dancing, I noticed a girl across the room was keeping her eyes glued to us. Luckily we all had earpieces so it was easy to keep in contact. This was not your ordinary undercover look. In fact, the complete opposite. We need someone with a motive and proof that they did it. The other dancers were all innocent enough and I was unsure as to what would happen next when Noah got back in contact. He found a board in the choreographer's office.. It was a plan of Phoebe's murder.

Immediately, we got in touch with the federal agents again and they then said that once we find the murder weapon, we find the suspect and confront them.

"Um James, it has Phoebe's picture with a red cross over it then leads to this woman and her boyfriend. I'm thinking I've found a motive. Jealousy and anger." Perfect! We finally have the reason she did it. Now, I want to know what she used to kill her. It is a crucial part of the investigation and no murder weapon is left to lurk by the investigation crew. "Any luck Thalia?" I asked as she searched the janitors closet with her gloves for anything.. unusual. "If you call a bloody mini katana knife unusual, then yes I found something." We put it into an evidence bag and quickly placed it into our dance bag.

Noah took a picture of the board, the knife, the blood splatter in Phoebes office.. and, a dead body?! Her eyes were shut. Skin was pale. Clear slit to the neck and some gunshot wounds as well. Brown hair in a mess. Yep, that's her unfortunately.

The real CSI agents came and we went out the back to deliver the evidence and lead them to Phoebe. She had been there for a while and seemed pretty much deceased now. It was sad. Kate's sister died in a spite of anger which only hatched a vendetta she became involved in.

They took the camera and went to print off the pictures that we had for them. Then two agents stayed with us to confront the murderer. Emily secured the side door, I went for the front and Noah went for the back. Thalia and the two actual federal agents went straight in to confront the lady, holding their guns up in their hands. I suppose they see Thalia as the most mature and smart with weapons. Not a surprise I suppose. Emily would've already shot someone, Noah would've accidentally pulled the trigger and shoot all over.. I would just threaten everyone with it on purpose. Oops.


thalia pov

"Lead the way, Richardson." one of the agents said. I slammed open the doors and the agents shouted "FEDERAL AGENTS!" Showing their identification passes to everyone else.

The choreographer woman looked around as everyone left, isolating her in the room with us. My fore finger was on the trigger, ready to fire if she pulled anything funny. I have always loved the idea of working for the inside of the law. This is kinda awesome.. but, back to the whole point of this.

She soon got out a gun as well and neared closer. "Did you kill Phoebe Wilson?" I said, approaching her slowly with my gun still out and pointed at her. "Yes! Of course I did, she deserved that in return for what Kate did! She ruined my reputation and the studio in general. Payback was always planned." "So a vendetta is what was planned in that brain of yours?" The other agent asked, smugly. I elbowed him and sighed.

"You're only 17, girl. Surely you wouldn't shoot at a lady in her middle ages." Of course. The 'remorse' I'm supposed to feel because I'm of young age. Although, it's not like I care. Pulling the trigger, I fired a shot that almost killed her in a second. Purposely missed the heart, it was intended to scare her. So it did. Her expression showed more fear as she forced a smile onto her face.

That was when she tried to run. I grabbed onto her arm and pulled her to ground, then restraining her until the agents cuffed her. We had our murderer and maybe even a psycho too.

Noah, Emily and James were all around the building and we soon heard multiple gunshots outside. "I'll join the others, you and Richardson take this woman to the prison where the boss with meet you as this lady gets booked in for life long sentence." I nodded and we took her out the back to avoid the shooting.

This was not something I had experienced before but I certainly enjoyed it.. and now know what it's like to catch a criminal.


(A/N: One of two parts. I kinda liked writing this piece today, even though it took me a while.
- watched more NCIS, and 'Bull' which I only watched for Michael Weatherly because he's my favourite actor :)
[[ · Sorry most of these have been about federal agents, crime investigation and weapons. I just like the idea of dramas. Not starring in them, but writing them.
I really wanna write a book about it but that can only be done once I finish my other books.

// 'til the next chapter
~ R*

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