13 · [ 'dont hate the player, hate the game' ]

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( Set in S5 timeline | Storyline: What if Noah was a player? He uses them to get the pleasure he doesn't feel from just one girl.
A-Troupe: Noah, Richelle, Jacquie, Ozzy, Kingston, LaTroy, Henry, Heather, Amy, Piper, Lola, Josh.

- on with the story.


amy pov

I looked at my phone and noticed that Noah still wasn't here. Obviously standing me up again. I'm so sick of it, sure he has other bitches he'd rather be playing around with and that's fine by me. HE CAN GO F- "Hey Amy, mind if I join you?" My mental rant was interrupted but none other than Kingston. Not that I minded anyway. "Sure. Noah isn't coming anyway." Those brown eyes and wide grin were hard to ignore. Damn you Kingston, and your pretty face.

"Why did he stand you up this time?"
"No idea."
"Well, he missed out. You're special."

He closed my locker so that we were full on face to face, it was kinda intense. We shared a gaze - it made me forgot about Noah. He had always stood me up and I just wasn't here for it anymore. With Kingston, I feel something. My heart beats faster, my interest is increase and I have butterflies in my stomach.

People don't usually trust the pretty boys, the girls always go for the bad boys. Noah wasn't a bad boy. Just... hot.. and manipulating. In a sense of - he makes you love blindly in a way. You're so blinded by your love for him, you lose focus of everything around you. It's toxic. "Why are you here?" "Because I dance here-" "With me. Why are you here with me?" "Because you seemed lonely." Did I now? Never heard that before. Yet.. It would make sense to be honest. I barely took time to notice my personal feelings. Oh well.

Lola walked in whilst talking to Ozzy. They have such a cute friendship and I guess they probably already heard from some gossip girl that I got stood up by Noah for the 100000th time.. Okay, I really need to stop thinking about that. It's hurtful to myself.

I suppose getting over him was the obvious choice. I mean, I'm starting to develop feelings for Kingston- me.. I like him. That's new. Not like I hasn't thought about it, just pushed it out of my mind.

Checking my phone, I realised it was way past the time we had agreed to me up at. This was stupid. Picking up my bag, my new destination was Studio 1.

Going over there, maybe I could settle things. Not even sure why I liked Noah in the first place. He's just a complete asshole with no empathy when it comes to who he hurts. Not a shock really. This isn't my first indecisive boyfriend. LaTroy randomly decided he liked Sloane when she said she liked him. It took me ages to get over
.. only to be put in this situation again. Then again, it's not like players like to wear their hearts on their sleeve. Pasts only give reason for future shit. I just want control over who I fall for. If only.

Marking the choreography to an old duet never made anything worse. Emotions really do determine how you dance and that's clear to see. I'm broken and there's no denying that. If only I could fix my heart. Then it would all be 'fine'.

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