16 · [ talk about cheating.. ]

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[ Set in S3 ] · Storyline: Thalia and Noah happened to witness something that would draw jiley apart and bring another dancer into the ropes. Who will they tell and who will they not confront ?
- oofity oof oof, oof oof .. on with the story or whatever


noah pov

"You know that car I wanted?" "Yeah. The electric one." My face lit up. She remembered. "My mom finally agreed to buy me it for my birthday!" "No way that's so cool!" Cars are a popular topic at tns. But when you don't have one, you feel so damn left out. I'm pretty much sixteen now which means I'm almost legal as an adult.

We were walking down to the music room to rehearse as not being in many dances, you still need to do a lot of rehearsals just for the practise. "Do you really plan on dating Eldon? Why not someone better and obviously much hotter?" "Who would you be suggesting?" Open to suggestions. Not bad. It seems like I'm assessing her but really I'm just characterizing her just to get a clear view of what her personality is like. A bit extra I know but she's the easiest one to establish. And the nicest one.

"What about me?" I suggested, raising my shirt to reveal my six pack. She laughed and looked at me. "You're serious huh?" "Well, 'course. You deserve the best guy here Thals." She shook her head and I let my shirt fall back down, covering it again. "One day." was all she replied with, walking into the music room. Then we heard these.. noises.

"Is that... um.. what I think it is?"
"Unfortunately, Noah. Yes."
"Do they all grunt?"
"No? I've never done it before."
"Neither. Want to though."
"Shut up."
"Of course."

We walked slowly to the door and at first I hesitated to open but it but with a count to three, I swiftly opened it and there was Riley with some B-Troupe guy. Charlie, I think his name was. I looked to Thalia and Thalia looked to me. Leaving in a hurry, we tried to talk about what the hell we just saw. "Lust." "Not love?" "No. Lust is physical desire, with no love. No full feelings." I nodded. At least someone can explain things to me more clearly. I'm not that old and pretty much home-schooled.

"NOAH! THALIA! WAIT!" "Shit." that was very in sync. I did not expect that. We started walking faster to Studio A until we got there and ran through the green door. Thalia then went into the office and so did I. There, we saw James and Stephanie. They were sorting things for Miss Kate. "Can I help you probies?" "Yeah. Charlie and Riley were in the costume cupboard-" His mood changed. Anger seemed to consume him almost immediately. "She.. cheated. Is Riley here?" We both nodded our heads carefully. He then told us to go confront her.

"Is this a good idea?" "When are James' plans good ideas?" Thal isn't wrong there. He can be so.. uncivilized at times when he should be civil. The dark side of him is something nobody wants to see. I shoved Thalia forward and she went over to Riley who was sat on a bench.

"Hi Guys?" she said, sounding a bit confused. Not like it was our fault that she made this awkward.
"Why were you with Charlie?" Thalia asks very intimidating questions and it makes Riley nervous. Not really something she's hiding very well.

"Because I wanted to talk to him. He said he was moving costumes in the closet so I went to meet him and.. he was shirtless.. and, I kinda fell into the moment. It didn't mean anything though, I swear. He's just.. hot." Thalia once again shook her head. "That's like me going up to Noah and kissing him because he has a six pack and I find him hot." I lowkey blushed. I shouldn't have but it just happened. She said I'm hot. Nobody here has ever said that. Considering I'm almost the newest member of A-Troupe. Okay I'll stop now.

"Okay Okay, we arranged it! He said it would be okay because we would be quiet. It was not. You obviously heard it if it was that loud." Thalia's expression changed and then she was all smug. Wow. "Ask James about it, he'll educate you." "More like beat my ass?"

"Eh its not that bad." "Wait-" "Yes, me and Noah do fight a lot." She said, elbowing me. "That's for shoving me earlier Noah." I winced in pain. That was almost lower down and I don't want to feel any pain there.

Then we heard a faked cough from behind us. We looked up at James with intent. "Yep. Cheated." I said before we quickly exited the room. As if either of us want to be involved in that. "Hell no."

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