17 · [ I believe in you ]

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[ Set in a s7 I suppose ] · Storyline: what if things had been harsh on ozzy. He lost all his friends as they all started making him feel bad. Ozzy feels like there's nothing worth making him worthy. Until one dancer in particular lightens the shadows he's stuck in.


ozzy pov

I walked onto Studio A, seeing Richelle was there dancing a solo she had planned for Internationals. Things had changed but.. for the better. Ever since Regionals, we've become closer. She sees me as more than just someone who goofs around. A-Troupe is worth being on. Plus it proved to myself that I am capable of being a dancer that can work just as hard. Unfortunately for Elliot, I can now do the combo he once beat me at. I've worked on that non stop in order to finally do it.

Her long, blonde hair was pulled back into its usual style and she had a red top with some black leggings. Weird that she's started wearing red a lot more. Interesting, yet still weird though. "Ozzy." someone said, causing me to jump. I turned around and saw Noah. He had a smug look on his face and in the same dark palette of colors he always wears. Green, Blue, Black, Grey, Maroon etc. "What do you want?" I asked, sighing to myself. "For you to leave so I can talk to Richelle." My eyes widened. Him telling me to leave? Absolutely ridiculous.

Shaking my head in response, I then went back to watching Richelle dance. She waved at me as she noticed I had been watching from the sideline. Noah glared at me before walking over to the petite blonde, interrupting her dance. way to ruin it. Minus Noah, I could watch her dance for days. She's just amazing. Getting over her just seems to be the best thing right now. She doesn't like me and its clear to see.

When she came over, I expected her to hug Noah but instead she came and hugged me. "Oz! I didn't expect to see you here so early?" She exclaimed, putting her hands on her hips and smiling widely. "Yeah, I wanted to come and get some practise in. Any idea who you want to do the duet with?" "Aw that's great! I was thinking maybe Summer, Kingston, Jacquie..." silence. "or you." Me? I'm the underdog of the troupe. Obvious enough. I came from J-Troupe. Pretty much the newest member in terms of ability. "M-me?" "Yeah! You've improved so much and I love watching you dance. A contemporary duet together seems only fitting. Right?" I nodded. Noah may not be part of A-Troupe anymore but him standing in the back over there is killing my vibe.

"Mind if I talk to Richie now?"
"Go ahea-"
"No. I want to talk to Ozzy first. Then you, Noah."

Her eyes locked with mine. The gaze lasted before she spoke out again. I wonder what was so important that she felt was more crucial than talking to Noah. Suppose it depends really. "Cinema hang out? That movie I've always wanted to watch with you." "Have you not watched it already?" She shook her head and looked down to the ground before looking up again. "I didn't watch it. I wanted to watch it with you and that's the only way I will watch." Okay not what I thought I would hear - nice to know though. Know that I am a valued member of society and that I matter.

"Text me later?"
"Sure. See you at rehearsal?"
"Of course. I could never miss my first one back as Dance Captain."

Noah raised an eyebrow. Even he was stunned by what she just said. "I'm sorry, YOU are the dance captain now?" Richelle nodded. "Yes. Got a problem?" "Emily made a huge mistake." "I THOUGHT YOU WERE HERE TO PAY A NICE VISIT, NOT A HORRIBLE ONE." She raised her voice. Walking closer to Noah in an intimidating way. Never upset her. She has feels as well. We kicked him out the studio before going back onto the dance floor. "Ozzy, am I really a bad dance captain?" I looked her in the eyes and held onto her shoulders. "You're only as good as you choose to be. I believe you are a great candidate. You deserve this." Her grin formed upon her face again and she ran up, hugging me tightly. "Thank you." "No worries... just know I mean what I say. It isn't out of pity." Maybe we do have a chance. I'm still not sure yet. Doesn't mean I can't try? It just seems too perfect. "I know." Back as dance captain, I have faith in her and no doubt that Richelle will do an excellent job. She's worked hard for such a long time and shouldn't let getting it taken away previously from her completely knock her down. That blonde has all the qualities and I'm rooting for her. Always.


(A/N: It wasn't really going anywhere and it just fits in better in this story. Sorry xoxo
- R

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