15 · [ counting my pennies ]

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[ Set in s4 · { parallel}
     "If I had a penny for every time I thought about you, I'd be living in a mansion already."
       A-Troupe: Noah, Richelle, Abi, Josh (s2), LaTroy, Amy, Sloane, Riley, Henry, Cassie, Amanda, Michelle
       Studio Head: Miss Kate


abi pov

I made it. This season I was going to be on A-Troupe. The A-Troupe that is set to win Regionals. Everything changed so fast.

Noah had stopped speaking to me. I felt like we had lost all connection. Not that I would even think of mentioning it now. He's in love with the girl who treats him like a son rather than a girlfriend- aka Amanda. What a snake. She was lucky Miss Kate even gave her another chance. Cierra would still be on A-Troupe if she didn't slip up and have definitely overtaken Amanda. Yet, that wasn't really put into account. Both Skylar and Cierra dance at Gemini now and let's just say that they have lost themselves a little.

"Abs!" Amy grinned, hugging me tightly. "Amy! How was your date with LaTroy?" Her grin widened. "It. Was. Perfect." She was jumping up and down in excitement, it's so adorable how happy Amy gets around him. Ecstatic. I was fixing my ponytail when there was a fake cough from the doorway. "Am I, interrupting something?" Richelle asked, cocking her eyebrow. "No! Richie this is just Amy telling the world she loves LaTroy." She nodded. "This is me telling the world that I'm coming out." Wait- coming out? I hope she's into girls- I mean, I still love her no matter what. "I'm bisexual." She said, biting her nails anxiously. "So am I." Was all I replied with. Better late than never. To be honest, I low-key have a small crush on Richelle as well. But who wouldn't? She's so stunning.

Richelle laughed nervously and looked me in the eyes. She was very close. "Honesty babes! I loveeeee you guys!" Amy piped up all of a sudden. Classic her.

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