8 · [ the next csi - boundaries ]

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( carrying on from my last chapter, the team question where the primary squad went and how they got kidnapped. As well as what they might learn from the information they can give? )


thalia pov

Agent Scott and I were questioning the members of the primaries. We needed to know how they managed to be defeated by some stupid criminals and get kidnapped without managing to escape on their own.

First up, Riley Scott. Emily's sister. She didn't even complete the full training course but voluntarily took Em's place on the primary squad whilst she was injured.. and never gave it back. She isn't the most trustworthy so we might have to do things a lot more intensely.

"Where were you when you got kidnapped?"
"It was an early morning mission. Bank robbery, we went to stop them but we all got knocked out."

Emily is doing the interview and I'm watching the conversation happen in case this girl tries anything funny and also to take notes. Her story just seemed kind of... too easy. Too simple. It was not fooling anyone. She wouldn't tell us what really happened and her story makes no sense. West joined me and we observed the talk that was in process.

We watched as Emily came out. "Bring in the bad cop-" Noah came in all of a sudden. "I'm here." *Faceplams* of course he is the bad cop. It would make sense considering how many flings he has had with our co-workers.. just excellent.

"Richardson, go in with him."
"Yes sir."

I followed him in and we both sat down in front of Riley for the second part of the interview. "Why were you at the bank?" "Because we were stopping a robbery?" Noah and I looked at each other before looking back at the brunette we were facing. "Bullshit."

"Fine! I helped the robbery!" She cracked. Knew she was hiding something. "I convinced my troupe it was a mission and I couldn't have them knowing I lied so we knocked them out. Then they turned on me and I was knocked unconscious as well." Told you her story was too good to be true. She was a rat. Pushing her to the pressure limit had really just caused her to come clean. I chose to question her first because she had no injuries and looked perfectly fine to me. Being unconscious doesn't mean she was as hurt as her squad. Riley betrayed us all and now she evil pay the price.

Agent Erlick handcuffed her hands behind her back and we searched her to make sure there was nothing on her that could be used against us. I found a microchip. Throwing it on the ground, I smashed it with my foot and broke it into pieces. This is private and what happens in CSI, stays in CSI.


emily pov

I can't believe it. My own sister betrayed the trust of us all....She helped a robbery. Guess some federal agents aren't all that worthy of having our trust.

The other troupers had all been interviewed and they all gave the same story in their own words. Eldon, Michelle, Daniel, Amanda, Morgan and Charlie knew Riley. They were the highest ranking squad in the whole company and now they've been demoted. For disobedience of rules and assisting crime. They will have to serve some time in custody for agreeing but it won't be too long. As long as Riley's anyway.

Walking around the federal command, I noticed Henry was doing something on his computer. A worried look appeared on his face. "What?.." "There's enemy agents coming into the base." This was not good. Thalia destroyed that microchip but Riley must have already given them details. The building was put on lockdown and our squad was getting geared up to fight more skilled enemies.

"Do you think we could become the next primary elites?"
"Maybe. Right now we have to get rid of these intruders."
"True. Are we suited up?"

Following behind West, we dotted around in order to defend where we can't be attacked. Giselle hid outside in the forest area and I went for the back of the building. I stood against the wall, carefully making sure that I wasn't in clear sight. We all had night vision lenses on as it was the later night time and of course they would attack when they think nobody is there.

That was when, I saw a blonde girl walking towards my covered area. Except, she looked taller than me. Oh well, protection of our base comes first. "Surrender!" I said, walking towards her with my gun pointed at her. She dropped hers by accident and I kicked it back to Giselle who was fighting another agent. She held her hands up and I walked her to the police car that was hidden nearby.
That was one agent arrested. I'm sure the others have the others under their control. I still had to patrol this area though. Nobody goes in, nobody comes out. It was a thought out plan. The shooting battles happened about ten times but I eliminated the two that had tried coming into this area as well. Now that I was the only Agent Scott, it was up to me to prove that I am the better Scott, and that I deserve to be on this team.

I did the training in full, I've served a respected time in the secondary elites but now I'm looking to become a primary elite. Being a top agent isn't easy but we've got this covered. Our team has some pretty skilled people and I know that crime won't stop us from bringing justice to the people that deserve it.

[ Later - All enemies have been arrested or retreated ]

In Mistress Kate's office, we stood in a straight line. Our clothes a bit dirty and small bruises on our bodies. But, all in all.. It wasn't that bad. "Today, I gave you, B-Troupe the chance to show me what you've got. I must say that the team work and effort from all of your goes above what A-Troupe could've done."

We all looked at each other before looking back at Kate. I hope it is what I think she's going to say.
"Miss, we have done our best to stop crime and defend our territory."
"Yes, Agent North. I am pleased with your squad. They have shown that they could beat our current A-Troupe any day which is why I'm promoting you secondaries to primary elites."

I can't believe it. We just replaced a whole squad AND we are now the best squad in the agency. Which makes us full on agents now. I'm so excited! All I ever wanted to be back in A-Troupe. Now I see, this group of people are the better people for me to work with. Maybe Riley kicking me off my old troupe was good after all. Now I'm with an actually loyal team who works together to defeat the bad people who want the worst in this world.

"Group hug!" James smiled. The hug was sincere and even though some of them can be dorks, they are so funny at the same time so it doesn't matter. We got the squad back and secured our base down. It's all gone well. Until the next mission, catch ya later!


(A/N: ngl, I kinda wanna make this into a story but who would read it?
-again, based on NCIS but I just wanted to give y'all a part two as it seemed to be a hit I guess sksksksk
dt; tordansdolphin

· have a great day folks!
                   ~ R *

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