11 · [ get togther pt.2 ]

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thalia pov

James honestly aggravates me beyond measures I didn't even think were possible. Asking me for a gun, really? Very mature. Being a federal agent comes with a lot of responsibility and trust. Giving away weapons like I'm a drug dealer isn't a way to be rewarded.

I know James though. Once he's had his fun, he'll act like nothing's wrong and will just leave. He's bad like that, committing is not one of his key strengths. Especially when it comes to relationships. Bromance with West, Eldon and Max over time and formed interests within many of the other girls.

Looking over at Noah, things were already getting a bit heated here. Amanda, stood forward and took a good look at Jacquie. "Go for a particular type, Erlick?" I asked, smiling at him sarcastically. Not my problem, not my feelings.

"No. I like what I like." the girls all death stared him and I laughed even harder. Noah getting caught as a player in the act is something I find utterly hilarious. Stupid. He needs to get his act together. Both brunettes slapped him in the face before storming off, separate ways. Of course, I fell to the floor with uncontrollable laughter whilst Noah sighed and rolled his eyes. "It's not funny, Thals." "bRo... You got double rejected! it's fucking hilarious!" I cried. Damn, never laughed so hard. My side's were hurting from all that.

Eventually, I stopped and gasped for air. It was on my side today. James helped me up and the other boy made a glare at me. Too bad he isn't getting anything good today, rejection never plays in your favour.

"I can't believe it! It was true!" Chloe cried, running out of the room. Wonder what went wrong. Then it hit me. Eldon. They had been together for a while and, shocker, he cheated. I shoved Noah, who was ranting at me, out of the way and made my way over to the blonde haired guy who was just standing there.
"Thalia, see time treated you well."
"Not about getting back together, what did Chloe see?"

.... "He kissed Michelle."

Someone said. Glad that person said that. I needed to know and because he didn't tell me, I got my answer from one of the younger ones. Cool.

Eldon started backing away as I moved closer. "How could you? She had feelings for you and you left her in the dirt like she meant nothing to you!" He stared at me blankly and said quietly "This isn't just about Chloe.. is it?.." "Of course it isn't. You hurt me. I loved you and you just passed it all like it meant nothing. Like I was just a rebound.. You never loved me. Thanks to you, I don't know how to love again. I'm afraid of falling. Because I always feel like it's my fault things end. Yet, it never is. It's never me. It's always the guy. They never love me anyways, I'm unloveable. Obnoxious. Annoying. Sensitive. You couldn't take that and went back to Michelle like a lost puppy because she's the only one open to cheating besides most people who wouldn't brag about it." Tears rolled down my cheeks as I said the last word. He was right. None of my anger was just about feeling bad for Chloe, it related to how he treated me. Am I really that replaceable?

I'm irreplaceable. I'll just keep telling myself that until this goes away. Until it all ends. When I'm over it. But for now it's going to be like this.

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