18 · [ Ex On The Beach ]

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Ages and on s4 · I've been binge watching ex on the beach and I have inspo to write an episode of it. Sorry if you have no idea what it if. There's a British one and an American one. Go watch  / check it out if you must!
( Noah - ex:Jacquie
James - ex: Riley
Thalia - ex: Eldon
Michelle - ex: Eldon, John, Joe
Emily - ex: Eldon
Jacquie - ex: Noah, Kingston
Ozzy - ex: Kelsie, Winnie
Winnie - ex: Ozzy
Riley - ex: James
Eldon - ex: Thalia, Emily, Michelle
Kingston - ex: Jacquie


They all waited anxiously. That bottle could come up at any moment and nobody was prepared for it. Michames, Jacquie&Eldon and Joe&Riley were the only girlfriend-boyfriend status relationships in the villa at the moment. The rest were either unofficial or non existent.

"Who do you think is going down to the Shack of Secrets now?" Noah asked Thalia.
"It could be A N Y O N E." she replied.

They were the best friends of the whole villa. No beef, no arguments - just loyalty, same morals, similar dreams, like siblings pretty much.

James and Michelle were cuddling on the couch whilst Kelsie and Winnie were having a debate over some outfit they both have. "OMG GUYS THE BOTTLE IS HERE AND ITS FOR RILEY." someone shouted. This should be interesting. thought Jars, smirking to himself. It always goes bad with Riley. Not anything he hadn't  been through or expected.

They went down in the elevator, facing away from each other. Both nervous about what the table  of terror wants to say now. It was shaking them to the core. Joe picked up the table and placed it on the stand. A video appear. It told him to press play. "Should I?" he questioned Riley, his hand shaking uncontrollably. "Yeah, yeah.. do whatever you want." she said. This was going to change their relationship a lot.

Joe pressed play on the video and it was of Riley makin  out with Eldon. They were talking and saying how much work their partners are. It shocked them. "sO,, THAT'S WHAT YOU WERE UP TO WHEN I WAS GONE?" Joe shouted, walking closer. "WELL I HAD TO MOVE ON. WAITING AROUND IS NOT MY IDEAL." "I GOT VOTED OFF THE BEACH. NOT LIKE I WAS GONE FOR GOOD."

The others heard the shouting and looked at one another in a bit of shock. "So nobody is going to tell Joe that Riley and I spent the night?" everyone suddenly turned to Noah who was sat there with his low-key messy brown hair, piercing green eyes and a body most would deem unreal in their world. "You love causing drama don't you." Thalia sighed, Noah's facial expression changed to a smirk. "It wasn't that good tbh. I've had it better." "I know right," James started. "..Nights with her just don't make you feel right afterwards. It's a no feelings thing so of course you're not going to feel anything. It isn't great." Emily, Michelle, Thalia, Jacquie and Kelsie all were a bit surprised by how Noah and James were talking. Is she a player? thought Eldon, eating some fries just.. randomly. Everyone shook their heads as they watched Eldon........ be Eldon.

Riley and Joe soon came up in the elevator. Riley was facing the other way, crying. Joe was teary eyed but he was holding tears back. He knew he shouldn't cry over a girl that obviously isn't loyal. "Joe my mannnnn." Kingston pulled him into a bro hug in order to comfort him after the shack if secrets.

Once they pulled away from the hug, they noticed none of the girls even wanted to speak to Riley. Yikes was what all the boys were thinking in that moment. Then Joe turned all the way to Noah. "You slept with her." "I was drunk ok, don't worry I won't EVER be sleeping with her again. The night was awful. Even that one time with Thalia was better than her and Thal is a quiet lil cutie." he shrugged.

Thalia immediately blushed. "aha, oof." she said quietly and quite shyly. She forgot about that one night. They were both flat out drunk and couldn't help but just do whatever and that happened to be sleeping together. Riley looked horrified. Noah just embarrassed her. Everyone else also shrugged and just resumed to the conversations they were having before. This had been one very odd night for these exes.

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