7 · [ the next csi ]

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[ Set in the time of S4 · When there's a massive threat to the world as we know it, Sergeant Kate decides it's time for her troupe of elite agents to go and do their jobs - stop crime. ]
Main Characters: Noah, James, West, Thalia, Richelle, Emily, Giselle, Max ; plus Kate and some reoccurring ones.


west pov

I was doing some shooting practise in the shooting range when suddenly there was an alert. James came over to me and we made sure we had our earpieces on so we could hear back from central command. "B-Troupe elites! Miss Wilson requires you eight at her service at once." Henry was one of the ones who discharged all the orders from Kate. When he says 'at once', it means serious.

"Erlick, Richardson - ready?" I asked as me and James joined them in the elevator. They both nodded and we made our way up to the sergeant's office.

James sighed and starting eating a sharwarma. I knocked it out of his hand and the robot cleaner had it cleaned up in a second. "Dude, that was not cool." "So what, it's not like you're exactly cool-" Noah tapped my shoulder and we turned around to have reached her floor already.

Fixing my tie, I followed the others out of the lift. We were greeted with Scott, Brown, Nolet and Bellamy as soon as we soon went into Kate's office. All feeling the same emotions, it was extremely obvious in an embarrassing kind of way. Just here to see what is so necessary that we needed to be up here so fast.

"B-Squad, it's your turn to take on the real thing."
"But Miss, we are the secondary team. What happened to the A-Squad elites?"
"They've been kidnapped. You need to investigate the said location of crime, find out who took them and make sure they is eliminated."
"But-" She just looked directly at me.
"Agent North, end of discussion. Get to work."

Immediately, we nodded at her before going down to the gear room. For this, we were going to need to be prepared for any stunts we could run into or witness. Padding, weapons and uniform. For once, we were being given a chance to be the primary elite squad... and I'm responsible for whatever happens. Fuck.


Our driver, Alfie, dropped us off in the truck behind the place we were supposed to investigate. "Split up?" "Sure." "Okay, Tordjman, Erlick, Richardson - with me. Scott, you take Brown, Bellamy and Nolet." Emily nodded and lead her team into the building through the back entrance which meant we had to check out the front.

Holding out my gun, I slowly looked around the area for any suspicious. "Clear!" James shouted from the part he searched. "Crystal!" Noah shouted from his section. Yet, Thalia stayed silent. We can't lose Agent Richardson and I just hope nothing has happened in that area.

"GET DOWN!" she screamed and we all jumped down to the floor as someone fired some bullets at us. In swift response, we fired back until there was a sound of someone dropping a gun and falling to the floor. That's one enemy eliminated. Still too many to go. I contacted Emily to see if she had anything. "Scott, found anything?" "If you call a large stash of money and a dead body something, then yes." I told the rest of my mini group as we changed position, making a paced attempt to go support Scott and her mini group.

Suddenly, there was a beeping sound. It was coming from the edges of the building and a lamppost close by. Dot of red light on those certain parts and the noise didn't stop there. "We're being watched." Agent Richardson said, shooting at all the areas with a red light. At each position, a video camera fell. She was right. Someone was onto what we were doing.

Richelle and Max quickly came out and joined the four of us that were ducked down by the bushes. Emily and Giselle probably have things under control. Just as we were talking, it soon became silenced as a load of vehicles pulled up by the front and there were people with guns and knives that were coming out. "Come out..." one of the men said with a sinister smile. "I'm going to do the bait trick." Richelle said, reloading her gun. "Gotcha."

Agent Nolet came out from the cover of the bush and walked forward towards the men. "You got me..." she started, dropping her gun and raising her hands in surrender. Two other men joined the man and the main one searched her for any signs that she was armed. It was at that moment, I noticed a guy that had his hands tied behind his back with a rope was being lead into the building. Soon followed by a girl with the same treatment and each other brought back memories I had. Of their faces.. wait, THOSE ARE THE ELITES!

"Thalia, James - stay with Richelle, the rest of us need to go and assist Agents Bellamy and Scott." I said, barely taking a breather before going with Max and Noah into the building through the back door. "Stay aware." I whispered, holding my gun closely against my chest. Even though I had no idea what they wanted with our co workers, it was obvious that it was not something to be considered something that can't lead to harm.

"Henry, we found them. Located at *insert secret location*, every dealer and criminal on our hit list is right under our noses."
"Okay, I'm sending back up. Through the back door?"
"Yep, There is a lot of people here."

We watched and waited for the chairman who called this illegal get together. They were here to do some dealing and we had to stop it and get back our people. The A-Troupers. Their disappearance match the time that there was a bank robbery in Vancouver. It was all staged. We had to fall out of this trap before it all happened how they planned it. Good thing an encounter with the next big CSI elites wasn't something expected.

Agent Erlick shot a weapon out of the chairman's hand, making it possible for the first A-Trouper to come back to us. Next, he shot at another security guard who fell dead straight away. "Lucky shot, pal." Max grumbled. Noah smirked and continued to distract them with random gunshots all over which gave us time to get everyone we needed out of there.

Getting hold of 7 troupers was not easy. I grabbed hold of some brunette and some blonde-haired dude before taking them outside to the supporting units who soon arrived and helped take down all the suspects. They must have got the rest. Richelle, Thalia and James managed to pull off the bait trick. A very important man in the drug selling industry went to attack her when they jumped out and arrested him. Not a bad job if I do say so myself.

"Sir, we have a car that just left the scene." Henry reported, seeming to be tracking him down. Richelle got into the van with me and we went on a speed chase to catch the runaway. We had all our suspects expect this one and he isn't going to get away. I have a feeling he may just be at the top of this chain.

"North, we are getting closer!" Richelle exclaimed, shooting at his tyres in order to slow the car down using an old slow down tactic that has been used in this business for many years and will always be crucial in high speed pursuits like these.

The car started to skid and soon reached breaking point as it was starting to fail. Guess it's another lucky moment that it was low on gas. I drove up next to the vehicle and Richelle jumped onto the car and got inside, knocking out the driver before moving him into the passenger seat and stopping the car at a gas station.

Stopping the van, I got out and went over to the car we had been chasing. Another man rose from the backseat and said "You want your top dealer? You got him." I thought there was one man in the car.. although, guess you can't judge something by one thing and that seemed to be the case now.


[ a/n: it's official. i am obsessed with NCIS. that gave me inspiration to write this and I've never been happier :)
<> I love criminal investigation stories and stuff haha, hope you enjoyed this one!

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~ R *

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