10 · [ Get Together ]

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[ Set into the future, about 5 years on from S6 | Storyline: It's been a while now. People have all gone and chosen the life they wanted for themselves. At an organized reunion, the old dancers meet again. A lot of nostalgia and memories.. wonders of what path everyone has followed.
Main Characters: Noah, James, Emily, Riley, Richelle, Thalia, West, Eldon, Hunter, Michelle, Stephanie, Lola, Kingston, Ozzy, Tiffany, Giselle, Amanda, Max, Cierra, Daniel, Chloe, Jacquie, LaTroy, Amy, Sloane, Kate....

& some special returns of... Skylar, Alfie, Ella and Shantel.

- anyways, on with the oneshot.

( I might have to make a few parts for this as I have many ideas that go into this story )


third person pov

Each person was getting ready to see all the old a-troupers from previous seasons. Newer and Older. Connected by The Next Step. It was something they all would have in common no matter what.

Stephanie and Lola had gotten onto a show together, in Los Angeles. After richola had the argument, Lola decided it was best to leave. She didn't have the heart to tell Richele that she was leaving but what was there to say? New boyfriend, New best friend, New life. Decently in a good state.

Hunter had gotten back in touch with the guys as he moved back into the area. He had missed all his friends and the connections that were lost. This was the chance to see the dancers after him. He was coming with West and Eldon to the reunion.

Thalia, being the only one who was a bit more 'out there', was now an FBI agent. She passed the course with flying colors and is in a successful leadership state where she can solve cases, fight criminals and bring justice. Only one in the law industry. After what happened with Phoebe, Thal had been offered a scholarship for a university in law and criminology. Highest ranking one in Canada.

West, he was now a well known actor. Starred in many known movies and tv shows, making him the superstar he aimed to be one day. Going on tour, travelling just like he had hoped. The exploration of the world thing was really paying off for him.

Noah, he was now one of the highest paid actors on Broadway. It was unbelievable, yet, he has a high sum of money in his bank because of his career and how much success he has gotten out of it. Same with Max and Eldon in terms of money and career path.

The rest hadn't really said much about their lives and nobody really knew. Everyone has their secrets though and that's just life they suppose.


max pov

The feeling of nostalgia I was feeling was definitely giving me some goosebumps. Ever since I left for uni, I didn't have time to come back. Nor did I expect the decision was actually good for me.

Being a Broadway dancer is unimaginable. Unique. Certainly not something you would expect to see everyday as its so complicated to explain. Surely it would make sense, if people understood how being famous can make or break you. At times, it does both.

Walking into Studio A, I saw people I recognized and people I didn't. Understandably. Many beings had come in and out of TNS. Generations way past ours.

"Max!" Noah shouted, walking up to me. Boy, he had grown into a man alright. Puberty hit him like a truck and sure did he look ripped. I still could remember his voice, it was something I could never forget. We've always stayed in touch. He's my best friend pretty much. "How have you been bro?" "Good!" Talking about broadway came easy, same profession - good talk.

He was in a suit, much like most of the guys here. It was still kind of formal in a way. Very much a shared idea, nice to see they are still the same. Dorky yet unforgettable.

James soon came over and he looked.. cool. "Where's the wife?" "Don't know, don't care. Good thing I'm not going to sleep with her any time soon. I'd rather have kids with Emily than Riley." Shit. What a way to start off the party, regretting marriage. At least it was a partnership ceremony and not a full on white wedding. Great choice not to go full commitment when you aren't committed enough to pursue that request in being each other's only.

"Who do you plan on getting to be your next toy?"
"Dunno. Maybe Thalia, Emily or Chloe."
"You know that Thalia is a cop. Federal Agent in fact."
"True. She's off limits sadly."
".. and why am I off limits, boys?"

We both jumped in shock and turned to see the 5'5" dark haired girl standing behind us. Both being above 6ft, it was clear to understand why we didn't see her. Then again, she's one of the tallest girls. Most of them range from 5'4" and below. Seeing a girl that's taller than 5'4" doesn't seem to be common. Uncommon much.

"I wanted to think about dating you, but, I can't because you're a cop."
"Federal agent. Higher than a cop, more of importance than a regular policewoman."
"Whatever Thals, got a gun I can borrow?"

She cocked an eyebrow at him before kicking him in the crotch area. "Don't ask for a gun, mafia guy." So, she  strutted away. Definite law enforcement. No funny business today.

James just smirked. "I'll get her to like me. First, I have to break it off with Riley." Classic James. Always going after what he wants by getting rid of what he has.


( Yep, part two coming soon. It's just so long I'm already thinking of four different plots with loads of different ships right now.

Noah x Amanda, Richelle and Jacquie drama
Latroy x Amy and Sloane drama
Alice and James back at it again
Lola is dating Elliot, making Richelle run out when she finds out after the way he previously broke her heart and she just found out her ex best friend was that girl he went to mentor.
Riley is caught about to do something with Alfie, by James and Thalia.
Eldon and Michelle talk about things with Hunter
Emily and Hunter talk

... You get the point.
see you in the next one,
~ R*

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