15: The Gym

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Chapter Fifteen

The final bells rings, and everyone immediately rushes out of the room. I pack up all my stuff, glancing at Carly nervously.

"Are you sure you'll be okay?" I ask her.

"Yeah," she sighs. "I need to get over him. I can't do that by avoiding him forever."

It's Tuesday, and we're all about to go to the gym, including Carly—who's recently learned that Bennett only likes her as a friend, and Bennett—who's completely oblivious that Carly even thought of him as anything more than a friend.

James and the previously mentioned blonde saunter over to our table. "We're not like actually working out today, right?" Bennett asks us, looking between Carly and I.

"I doubt it," I reply. "Kayla and Wilson have just been talking about racquetball and swimming."

The four of us walk out of the biology room, heading to the parking lot.

"Are we all going together or meeting there?" I ask.

"I can drive Carly," Bennett offers.

"No, I can drive myself," Carly replies. "I'll see you guys there." She turns and goes off in the other direction, leaving Bennett to watch her flee.

"What's been up with her lately?" He questions.

"Nothing," I tell him quickly.

Bennett looks to James, who says, "I haven't noticed anything different."

He still looks confused, but drops it. "I'm just going to drive myself then," he mutters. "Bye, guys." He stops at his car then, getting in.

"We're going together, at least, right?" James asks me.

"Sure," I agree.

"I can drive," he says.

"Okay," I reply. "I just need to grab my stuff from my car."

We stop at my car, and I toss my backpack inside before pulling out the bag that I had packed this morning with workout clothes and a one piece swimsuit. After that we get in his car, and he starts driving to the gym.

"What are you doing after high school?" He suddenly asks.

I bite my lip, looking out the window. "I don't know." I turn to him. "What about you?"

"I don't know either," he says. "It feels like too big of a decision."

"Yeah," I sigh. "We should just take a gap year and go to Greece."

"Is that a serious suggestion?" He questions.

"I mean..." I consider it. "I wish. But that would cost a lot of money. Also, I don't even know what language they speak in Greece."

"Probably Greek," he replies, chuckling. "But I don't know about the money..."

"We could start a gofundme," I offer.

He laughs, "that would definitely work."

"Oh definitely," I joke, laughing with him. "But seriously, do you have any idea at all what you want to do?" I ask, the conversation turning serious again.

"You." He winks, and I smile.

"You know that's not what I meant," I tell him.

"I know," he replies. He runs a hand through his hair. "I guess college. I applied to the University of Virginia and I got in, and that's what my mom wants me to do. But I don't even know what career I want, so I'm not sure about anything."

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