37: The End

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Chapter Thirty Seven

James stops the car in front of the brick townhome, and I stare out the window at it.

We sit together for a few moments, neither of us getting out.

My eyes wander over the white siding, and the large window with a perfect view of the street, and the small tree sitting in front of it.

I feel a hand being placed down on my leg, and I turn and look into James' brown eyes.

"Are you ready?" He asks me, a small smile on his face.

I nod once, "yeah."

He looks over me once more, before removing his hand from my leg and getting out of the car.

I do the same, and I fiddle with the key in my hand. Together, we walk up the few steps and stop in front of the door.

We've only seen pictures of this place online, and I'm feeling a bit nervous.

After a deep breath, I put the key in the lock, before turning it and unlocking the door. The door creaks open as I push it lightly, revealing the beautiful wooden floors and white walls.

"It's just like the pictures," I comment, looking around the empty room.

"It is," James agrees.

I stop in front of the window, gazing out at the street below, where our car is parked.

He grabs my hand, pulling me to face him with a big grin on his face.

"We're finally here," he says happily.

I return the smile. "We're finally here."

"We finally have our own place," he continues, leaning down and kissing me softly.

"Finally," I reply, my eyes fluttering shut.

We kiss for a moment, before pulling away slightly.

The sight of the rental U-haul truck stopping in front of the house catches my attention, and I sigh.

"I don't want to unpack everything now," I complain.

"It won't be so bad," he comforts me. "We have a lot of help."

"I know," I sigh. "I'm just lazy."

He chuckles, cupping my cheek lightly.

"Just think about what it'll be like when we're done," he tells me. "When we have our bed set up..."

His smirk makes me laugh, just as the front door opens.

"Woah!" Wilson shouts, looking around excitedly. "This is bigger than I thought."

Kayla walks in behind him, her eyes bouncing around the room.

"I still think you should've gotten a loft," she comments.

"With what money?" I question.

"Yeah, she's built up enough debt already," James mentions.

I hit him playfully on the arm. "Shut up."

"Well, moving to New York was a good idea," Bennett states, stepping inside the house. "I saw like three dogs outside."

"I wonder how many dogs live in New York," Carly says, walking in behind him.

"Is that why you guys want to move so far away from me?" Kayla questions, crossing her arms and narrowing her eyes at James and I. "For the dogs?"

"You know that's not why," I reply.

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