26: Their Day Alone Together

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Chapter Twenty Six

James and I are cuddling on the couch and watching Netflix when Kayla slowly enters the room.

Sitting up, I say softly, "Kayla, hey."

"What's going on?" She asks, rubbing at her eyes.

"Nothing," I tell her. "How are you feeling?"

"My head hurts," she complains, grabbing the side of her head with her hand. She looks around. "Where are we? Whose house is this?"

"Mine," James explains. "We brought you here after we went and got you."

"Oh god," she groans, closing her eyes tightly.

"What all happened last night?" I question.

She sits down next to me on the couch, slouching into it and sighing. "I was an idiot, that's what happened," she tells me.

I give her a questioning look. "I don't understand."

"Well," she begins. "I went over to Paul's, and when I got there, there was already a few people smoking and stuff. It was okay at first, but then these two girls showed up, and Paul started flirting with them, and then they were all making out, and ew!" She shakes her head quickly. "The girls and him went to some room, and then this one guy started talking to me, and he would not stop."

I watch her as she talks, feeling my stomach churn.

"And then someone pulled out a bag of cocaine," she continues, grimacing. "And they all started doing it, and they kept telling me to do it, and finally I was just like, fuck it, why not? So I snorted some...and some more...and it was bad."

She rubs her eyes again, and I notice the large bags under them.

"And that guy who wouldn't stop talking to me, started grabbing me a bunch." She stares at the floor, not looking at James or I. "And then I felt myself getting weird, so I called you, and then I passed out. I don't know anything that happened after that."

I think back to last night, when I finally found Kayla, unconscious, with some random guy on top of her.

"But you guys came and got me?" She asks, looking back and forth between James and I.

I glance at him, unsure of what to do.

Should I tell her that some guy almost raped her last night? Or would it be better if she didn't know? I debate for a moment, until I decide that if it had been me, I'd want to know.

"Kayla," I say softly. "When we came, we found you in a bedroom. And there was...there was a guy on top of you, and you were passed out..."

Her eyes widen, and I watch them well up with tears.

"But you both had your clothes on," I quickly add. "And we got him off of you and then James carried you out. Nothing happened."

"I..." she trails off, audibly gulping. "I can't believe it..."

"I'm so sorry, Kay," I tell her, feeling incredibly sad for her.

"I hate Paul," she states.

"Me too," I agree. "I haven't met him, but I don't have to. He seems like a complete asshole who doesn't care about you or if you're okay."

"You're right," she says. "I'm so done with him. I can't believe I ever even liked him in the first place. He's never shown any interest in me before, I don't know what I was thinking."

"A boy's hotness can really overshadow how much of an ass he really is," I reply, nodding. "Don't blame yourself for not seeing it earlier."

"You're so wise," she comments.

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