34: Traveling

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Author's note:
Hey everyone! I can't believe it's literally been three years since I was last on here. The other day I got the sudden urge to check Wattpad for the first time in a long time, and it's been such a nostalgia trip. I reread this whole book, and realized I had left it so close to being finished - I even had all the last chapters planned out. It didn't feel right just leaving the story unfinished, so I'm going to publish the ending chapters.

I don't know if anyone's still on here, so if you are then leave a comment here or message me and we can catch up and I'll check out what you've been writing lately :)

Since it's been so long, I'll give a brief description of what's happened so far.

Our main character is Rosie, aka Lily, who's in the witness protection program and dating James, who recently found out about her true identity. The other friends in the group are Kayla, Carly, Wilson, and Bennett, and none of them know her secret. This chapter continues on with their spring break, and they made a plan to go to Florida for the week.

Chapter Thirty Four

As soon as Bennett parks his SUV in the airport's parking lot, the six of us all stumble out of the car.

The past hour had been spent packed into this car, which was completely filled by the six of us and each of our duffel bags and carry-on bags.

I still don't know how Kayla managed to fit all of us and our bags inside, but when she's determined to do something, there's no stopping her.

"Finally," Wilson says, sucking in a deep breath. "The air smells so nice..."

"Yeah, you guys smell terrible," Kayla tells us, grabbing her bag out of the trunk.

We each grab our own bags, before walking towards the entrance of the large building.

"Just think, by tonight, we'll be relaxing in a beach house," Carly mentions, smiling lightly at the idea.

"I can't wait any longer," I complain.

"Yeah, I'm already tired," Bennett says.

"Stop complaining," Kayla orders us. "You can sleep on the plane."

James walks by my side, and reaches out and grabs my hand, holding it tightly.

"I have a question," Wilson speaks up as we all continue to walk.

"What is it?" Kayla asks, sighing, as if she already knows it'll be a stupid question.

"We keep talking about how much we're going to party," he mentions. "But how exactly are we going to get all this booze?"

"There'll be tons of college kids in Miami," she replies. "It'll be easy finding one of them to hook us up. Especially when you have good looks like mine."

"Gross," Wilson comments.

"You're just jealous," she retorts.

"I'm really not," he tells her.

"Hey, Wil," I say, grabbing his attention. "How'd your date go last night?"

Today in government we had a test, so Wilson and I weren't able to talk about Adilah or how his date went.

"Really good," he answers, grinning and blushing lightly. "I was a true gentleman."

"I'll believe it when I see it," Kayla comments.

"You can believe him on this one," Bennett tells her, as we walk inside the airport terminal. "He's actually really nice to girls he likes or thinks are hot."

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