35: Bennett Declares His Love

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Chapter Thirty Five

I slip on my black one-piece swimsuit, before looking at myself in the full-length mirror.

Today is Saturday, and it's about one a clock.

The six of us spent yesterday partying on the beach for hours, and well into the night. That being said, I didn't wake up until a little before noon.

Kayla made us all some fruit and vegetable smoothies to help with our hangovers, and I'm already feeling a lot better.

We all decided to just hangout in the beach behind the house today, and not party too hard since we're all still feeling the effects of yesterday's day-long party.

"You're so hot." James smirks, coming up and standing behind me.

I meet his gaze in the mirror. "I know."

He pouts. "Aren't you going to tell me that I look hot too?"

My eyes wander over his body for a moment.

He's wearing a pair of black swim trunks, and nothing else. His torso and chest are on full display to me, and I can't help but grin when I see the hickey on his neck.

Yesterday and last night, when James was completely drunk, he was all over me, which shouldn't come as a shock. Like usual, he was needy and horny. But, also like usual, I didn't mind it.

I won't lie though, I was all over him too, and that hickey is proof.

"You look better without the shorts," I flirt, matching his smirk.

He chuckles, wrapping his arms around me.

"This is why I love you," he says, ducking his head into me and kissing my neck.

A beam of light from the sun shines in through the glass wall onto us, and I become eager to be on the beach again.

"Let's go," I say, reaching back and taking his hand in mine.

I pull him behind me and out of the room.

When we walk down the stairs, Kayla, Wilson, Carly, and Bennett are all in the kitchen in their swimsuits, talking and waiting for us.

"Nice hickey," Wilson says, motioning to his neck. He then raises an eyebrow at me. "Impressive work."

"Thank you," I say.

Bennett just shakes his head. "You guys are so immature."

James scrunches his eyebrows. "Oh, we are?"

"Bennett, you're one to talk," I mention.

"Yeah, you don't even have a girl to go out with," Wilson jokes.

"Let alone a girl that'll give you a hickey," Kayla adds.

"Oh, nice one," Wilson says, and they do a weird high-five.

I laugh lightly.

Bennett, however, does not seem amused.

"Let's just go," he states, before turning and walking out the backdoor.

Wilson and Kayla share a knowing look, before following him out.

I look over at Carly and smile. "Ready?" I ask.

She nods, smiling back.

Her and I walk out together, with James lagging behind us.

The ocean lays in front of us, expanding seemingly infinitely.

Blue fills my field of vision, and it's overwhelming thanks to the water and the bright blue sky, which is filled with little clouds.

Currently, Wilson is sprinting across the beach and into the water, his arms sprawled out wide as he runs excitedly.

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