31: Dress Shopping

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Chapter Thirty One

When I walk into the government classroom, Wilson is relaxing in his seat, with his feet up on my chair.

I quickly push his feet down, before sitting in my spot. It's Tuesday, a couple days after the party, and I'm sadly back at school.

"Rude," he mumbles.

I glare at him, fed up with this day.

"Woah, what's wrong with you today?" He asks, sitting up straighter.

"I'm just sick of school," I complain. "And poems, and tests."

"Poems?" He questions.

"In literature," I clarify.

"Well, school does suck," he replies. "But hey, you'll get to see your boy next period for lunch, so you have that to look forward."

I rest my chin in the palm of my hand, feeling tired.

"I just want to sleep," I say.

"I'm sure James will wake you up." Wilson smirks. His smug looks falls in an instant, though. "But no fucking in the car, I'm serious!"

"I'm completely sober," I tell him. "So don't worry, I'll try not to do any PDA."

"Good, because I'm still traumatized from this weekend," he states. "I'm too innocent for that shit."

I'm about to argue with him, when I remember that he's right. He's a virgin, and much more innocent than he seems.

"I keep forgetting how innocent you actually are," I comment. "You always seem so...I don't know."

"Wait..." he trails off, thinking to himself.

I watch his eyes flicker around the room as he thinks for a moment.

"Do you think that's why Adilah doesn't like me?" He questions. "Because she thinks I'm...not innocent."

"Well," I sigh, considering the possibility.

Adilah is a Muslim girl, and since she wears a hijab, I assume she follows the faith strongly. That being said, she probably is more innocent, and not really into guys who mess around.

So if she thinks that Wilson is the kind of guy to sleep around and party all the time, then she probably won't be interested in him.

"Maybe," I decide.

"Shit," he complains. "How come I look like such a sex god?"

I roll my eyes. "No one thinks you look like a sex god. You just act like you are, and that's what makes you seem so...not innocent."

I think to myself, getting off topic. Is there a word for "not innocent"? I feel like there is...but I just can't think of it. There's guilty...but that's not the right word for this context. Maybe dirty? No, that doesn't sound right...

"Lily, are you even listening to me?"

I pull my gaze and attention back over to Wilson. "What? Yeah, of course."

He gives me a pointed look. "Oh yeah? Then what was I just saying?"

I huff out a breath. "Fine, I wasn't listening. Just tell me what you were talking about."

"Okay, well, I was wondering how I can make myself look more innocent," he explains. "Do you have any ideas?"

"Well, for one, you can stop pretending like you get a lot of sex," I begin.

"But then other people will think I'm lame," he argues.

"But Adilah might pay attention to you," I point out.

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