24: The Bland Spaghetti

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Chapter Twenty Four

Friday morning, I walk into the literature classroom, where Kayla is waiting anxiously in her seat. When she sees me, she sits up straighter.

"Lily," she says eagerly. "It's Friday."

"Yeah," I reply. "Finally. I know this week has only been three school days but it's still felt like forever." I sit down in my seat then, setting my backpack on the ground next to me.

"I'm so excited for tonight," she tells me.

"Oh, because of the thing at Paul's house?" I ask.

"Duh," she comments. "Why else would I be so happy?"

"Um...because your mom got back yesterday," I guess.

"Well, she did get back yesterday," she states. "Which is why I was happy yesterday. Today, I'm happy for a different reason."

"Okay, my bad," I say sarcastically.

"You're right," she replies. "You know what's also your bad?"

I give her a questioning look. "What?"

"Not telling me that you're going to James' house tonight," she hisses. "To spend the night alone with him!"

"I didn't tell anyone about that," I explain. "How did you even find out?"

"Stupid Wilson," she replies. "He somehow always knows everything. I swear, him being so annoying really gets him all the information." She shakes her head in annoyance. "Apparently he asked James to hangout tonight, and James said he's busy, and then Wilson harassed him for like an hour until he told him what he was doing."

"That sounds like Wilson," I mention. "And you're right, he does always find out everything by being super annoying. I hate that."

"Me too," Kayla complains. She pauses, before exclaiming, "I shouldn't have to be annoying just to get information out of my best friend!"

"I didn't tell you because I don't really know what we're going to do," I tell her.

"Ooh," she coos. "Is tonight the night?"

I bite my lip. "I don't know."

I think about last Friday night at Wilson's house, where I'm sure James and I would've had sex if we weren't too tired and drunk.

The room was completely dark, so I didn't have to worry about him seeing my scar. If James and I are making out in a dark room tonight, will I go all the way with him?

"You're thinking hard," Kayla notices.

I sigh. "I just...I think I want to."

"Really?" She asks, grinning. "This is so exciting! James is going to be happy."

"Kayla, you can't tell anyone I said that," I quickly say.

"How dare you!" She gasps. "You seriously think I would tell anybody your personal thoughts and plans? Only a terrible friend would do that. I am a wonderful best friend."

"You are," I agree. "I just wanted to make sure."

"My lips are sealed," she says, miming zipping her lips. "But Saturday morning you better call me with all the details, and don't leave anything out."

"Kayla, if we do end up actually doing it, I'm definitely not telling you all the details," I argue.

She scrunches up her face. "Okay, maybe not all, I don't need to picture James like that." She cringes, looking grossed out. "But I still want a lot of info."

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