28: Planning

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Chapter Twenty Eight

I walk into my third period government class, feeling exhausted.

Today, I've had to write an essay in literature, and then in calculus we had a huge test that I'm pretty sure I just completely failed.

I sit down in my seat next to Wilson, who's talking to some guy behind him.

"Hey," he greets after noticing me. He says goodbye to the random guy and turns to face my direction. "Lily, I hear you and James are an official couple."

"That's true," I reply.

"I have a question," he says.

"What is it?" I sigh, already expecting the worst.

"Can you make sure James makes me the best man at your wedding?" He asks. "I already asked him but he told me to shut up and I'm worried that means he'll make Bennett the best man and not me."

"Wilson," I say lowly. "Shut up."

"You're just like James," he comments. "He said the exact same thing."

I set my backpack on the floor, before resting my chin in the palm of my hand.

"I'm being serious, though," he continues. "Can you just talk to him and make sure I'm the best man and Bennett isn't, because I'm worried he's thinking that Bennett would be a better best man."

"James and I aren't getting married anytime soon," I tell him, rubbing my eyes. "But don't worry, if we ever do get married, I'll put in a good word for you."

He grins. "You're the best."

I roll my eyes, but smile lightly.

"You're actually really good for James," Wilson suddenly says, taking me off guard.

I send him a questioning look.

"After Quinn cheated on him, he just completely gave up on girls," he tells me.

"You've told me this before," I mention.

"Don't interrupt me," he states, glaring at me. "Now like I was saying, James didn't care about girls after Quinn. But then he meets you, and now he's all whipped and a lot nicer."

"Nicer?" I question.

"Yeah, he isn't as mean to me anymore," he explains. "And he's also confided in me a few times. It's like we're true best friends now."

"I'm happy for you," I tell him jokingly.

"Thank you," he replies seriously. "It's been great." He clears his throat, "but this is why I think you're good for him. He's like a real person now."

The bell rings, and I say, "this has been a great conversation, Wil."

"You're welcome." He grins, suddenly perking up. "Can you name your first son after me?"

"Why don't you take that one up with James?" I suggest.

"Okay, I will," he says, and I laugh.

Mrs. Lopez starts today's class after that, so luckily I don't have to hear Wilson's strange requests anymore.

The rest of the class period is boring, just like the rest of the day. I kind of feel like a zombie, just existing but not really living.

I'm feeling like this for the whole day, until seventh period when James walks into the room, and immediately makes his way towards me.

"Hey," he says. "My mom wants you over for dinner Wednesday night."

"Wait, what?" Carly questions from beside me.

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