Table of Contents

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Written May 23, 2019
I do not own the names or back stories of the Mystic Messengers Franchise characters but, this story plot line and these side characters are mine. If I have used your art in my story please message me and I will tag you in the story for the credit. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to message me.

Thanks for reading,
The Author

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Chapter 1: The Class Rep.

Introduction to the Carrington Household, meet Rika, V, Jumin, Eric and (Y/N).  

Chapter 2: The Gaming Champ.

Yoosung, Saeyoung and (Y/N) band together to win a National Gaming championship.

Chapter 3: The Dancing queen

First day of class, introduce the trusty trio, Zen, Yoosung and (Y/N) in class A. 

Chapter 4: Dancing Alone

The spring formal is right around the corner and Jumin unexpectedly asked (Y/N) out.

Chapter 5: The Ending and the Beginning

(Y/N) still rearing from the events at the spring formal she completely loses faith in Jumin and starts to truly depend on Saeyoung.

Chapter 6: New Girl in Town

Amid a fight with Jumin, Jaehee arrives on the scene. The two realize how compatible as friends they are but, unintentionally mislead (Y/N) even farther.

Chapter 7: Mixed feelings

Misguided by Jaehee, (Y/N) finally realizes that she never truly loved Jumin and only then does she start to realize her feelings for Saeyoung. Scared of a repeat of last attempt she pushes him away, causing more heart ache and confusion.

Chapter 8: Realization

Fully realizing her feelings for Saeyoung, after Jumin apologized, (Y/N) rushes to find him and tell him the truth.

Chapter 9: True Colors

Now almost as if they never separate, (Y/N) is Saeyoung's support system. After Saeyoung gets sick, she wants him to feel loved and cared for.

Chapter 10: Unanswered Questions

After going to Saeyoung's Dorm to care for him, during his illness, (Y/N) discovered a questionable amount of information on her family. Worried about the info, she starts to research her newly founded "partner". Unable to find anything, (Y/N) starts to question him.

Chapter 11: Cold Nights

(Y/N) along with the rest of the student council, goes on a short 1 night sleep away camp; to train for possible scenarios and have group exercises to properly run the council.

Chapter 12: Lose Ends

Vanderwood vists Saeyoung in his dorm room only to bump into (Y/N) on her way out. He takes interest and now she is on his radar.

Chapter 13: The Missing Pieces

Saeyoung realizes Vanderwoods intentions with his girlfriend and is caught between a rock and a hard place.

Chapter 14: Strange Tides

The School Festival is here and the winning prize is something (Y/N) didn't count on. Forced to compete to save her own skin aswell as her relationship, things are getting dicey. Vanderwood has also been on her mind lately, caught between the truth and the lies, (Y/N) hopes she can rise with the tide.

Chapter 15: Accidental Friendship

Ray meets (Y/N) by accident, narrowly avoiding a run in with his hated brother. Sparking a new and true friendship between the two, Ray is in a battle between what is right and what is his destiny.

Chapter 16: a Fool's Paradise

Ray is infatuated with (Y/N) and the Savior knows it. After suddenly going offline, (Y/N) gets worried about her new friend. She vists his address with her boyfriend only to discover it's a fraud. What else was faked about their friendship?

Chapter 17: The King Maker

Ray is gone... radio silence. All (Y/N) seems to do is worry about him and wonder if there friendship was real. After she found the camera in the picture frame, (Y/N) felt extremely betrayed. She starts to research "MintEye" in order to understand why Ray was spying on her. What she discovers something she didn't count on... something disturbing. Someone she already knew.

Chapter 18: The Missing Link

Saeyoung tracks down Ray's digital location, thus leading to him tracking him down. Saeyoung is reminded of the old days and old regrets he had from his former job. When he sees the motel that Ray left in a hurry he finds a photo that had be left behind. A photo of them.

Chapter 19: Against the Clock

Saeyoung is on the hunt to track down Ray and find his lover. He also finds a startling truth, who was the master mind behind it all. She was the one pulling the strings. In a battle to save her boyfriend's little brother, (Y/N) will do the unthinkable to save the ones she loves.

Chapter 20: Constellations

After showdown, the trio is escorted to the hospital. Who is injured and who will survive?

Chapter 21: My Sun and Moon

As a way to honor the good times Rika had and to save the innocent people caught up in MintEye, the RFA was formed. School also seems to be finishing up as well, all (Y/N) had left to do was be with the one she loves.

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoy!

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