Chapter 11: Coldnights

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... it's like you're dating a spy."

No, my luck couldn't be that bad. I mean, that's such book cliché that the author would be stoned to death.

It couldn't be that... could it?

No... no way.

I chose to forget about my conversation with Jumin and decided go to pick up Yoosung and Zen at the boy's dorms for the student council trip.

It's the crack of dawn and all I can think about, is how much sleep I didn't get.

I stayed up most of the night thinking about Saeyoung and then the rest of the night realizing i forgot to pack.

What are things coming to nowadays...

I roll up to the boys dorm and walk inside, leaving my duffle bag by the front door.

I know I was supposed to ignore or at least try to stay away from Saeyoung but, I couldn't help myself from stopping by his room. Even if I only stood outside.

My hand hovered over the door debating whether or not I should knock.

He's lying to me but... he pulled me aside and told me he loved me.

I still care about him but... I don't want to get hurt.

I decide to go for it and knock, opening the door, I see a yawning Mr.HoneyBudda.

"Hey..." I say breathlessly, starting at his shirtless physique.

He stares right back as a light blush crosses his face. "Good morning"

He stares at me awhile more before I snap back to what I was going to say.

"Oh, I was here for the guys... you know for the trip. So, like i thought- um- you know, I would say good morning to you..."

"Mission accomplished Young Padawan"

He pulls me in for a hug and says in my ear with a very breathy voice, "I dreamed about you... when you come back I'll tell you all about it".

I felt my face turn scarlet, "Well I'll make sure to wait breathlessly." I lean into his arms and kiss his cheek.

Even is this is all an act, I still care for you... I still love you.

"I'm going to leave now to get the guys, I'll see you in two days.."

He lets me go but, before he kisses my forehead and says "I'll wait for you" quietly in my ear.

Maybe I'm making a mistake by trusting him even after he lied to me but... I can't stop this feeling I have.

I move away from his grip and head up a floor
to get my boys.

Yoosung was still in bed, apparently he gamed till the wee hours of the morning, Zen was no better but at least he was packed.

All and all we were the last on the bus, we could tell everyone was not impressed.

As we got on the bus all eyes were on us. I didn't know half the faces; Actually, I didn't know any of them but, Zen did. He said hello to every other person on the bus like he was a pop star or something.

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