Chapter 4: Dancing Alone

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"Dear reader I wish I could tell you I'm a Nobel man alas, I can not afford to sin anymore". The book we read aloud in class is about a man who abounded his family and he makes a pact with the devil to save them, for his soul. In short, I was in charge of reading the big chunky parts because 'I speak the language, so it shouldn't be a big deal for me to read 4 pages strait of old timey English'.

Well this sucks

The books reads slow and tries to convey many messages yet, none seem to even reach my ears. My mind drifts to other places as Yoosung hits me to wake up. "Um- yes I'm here". I say a little loudly as I realize the entire class is gone.

"What the-" I turn to see Yoosung and Zen waiting for me to realize class ended five minutes ago.

"Sorry guys give me a second"

"Take your time princess" I huff at Zen who just laughs at my frustration.

"So guys, were are we off to?" I say with a pep in my step, smiling for no complete reason.

"WE are off to buy a suit for the 'formal', YOU are off to the dorms to get ready. Well at least, that's what Jumin told us to tell you." Zen shrugs and huffs in annoyance, "Why does he think he can just tell us what to do though! Ugh, I don't like him!"

"Calm Zen. I'm sure he doesn't mean any harm! Well, (Y/N) were off. Good luck, see you tonight at the dance!" Yoosung just sweat drops and pulls Zen away. They seem to have gotten a lot closer.

So, get ready huh? What am I even suppose to do? I don't even have a dress yet!

I do as instructed and walk to my dorm, as I reach my hall way I see a package in front of my door. I walk over curiously, but subconsciously fearing there's a bomb inside. Its addressed as "For a dancing Queen. Wear this tonight".

I grab the brown paper wrapped package and open my dorm door. I throw all my books on my desk and proceed to open the "Gift". At first I couldn't make out what it was but, as I pull it out it reveal a floor length red tool dress. It has a deep v cut but, all and all has a classy air about it. It does seem a bit much in my taste but, it's beautiful nonetheless.

(The dress in the photo, at the top of your screen, but without a long train)

I braid my hair loosely so it hangs behind me, as I move on to my make up. I do try to go for a natural look with a small eyeshadow, I want my dress to make the true statement. I struggle for about an hour when I get a phone call from Jumin.

"Hey Princess, how did you like your dress?"

I chuckle a little before saying "I love it very much but, isn't it a bit much? It's only a spring formal"

he huffs as my laugh "Listen, you deserve to be recognized for all your hard work... so stand out a little. I'm sure everyone will love you and your dress".

My face heats up at his every word till he finally says "Oh by the way I'm 5 minutes away"

Time stopped. "What! I have to go bye!"

I started to race around my dorm like a mad women. I finished u my makeup and put on my shoes. I had to step into my dress due to how large it is but, with beauty comes a price.

I grab my clutch and waddle threw the hall ways and I near the marble stair case. At the bottom I see Jumin smiling and giving me a look that said Why are you lying? You look fine.

I walk down the stairs and link arms with him. "Alright lets go". The ballroom is halfway across campus but, I'm not entirely worried about the time.

What's the saying? Oh ya, always be "Fashionably" late.

(Saeyoung POV)

The party is just about to really start as "the crew" waits for Jumin and (Y/N) to arrive.

"When do you think they are going to show?" Yoosung asked with worry in his voice.

"Don't worry about it to much, the will be here" Zen stated confidently, almost as if he could read the future.

"Sure, and why would you be so confident"

"Because of that-" He points at the wooden doors opens for one final time to show Jumin and (Y/N) descending the stairs with linked arms. Her dress is jaw droopingly beautiful and her hair makes her look like a goddess. Jumin on the other hand looked... okay.

I mean frankly, compared to her, anyone standing next to her would be "okay".

She's a goddess.

Her eyes search the room till they land on us and she gives off a mega watt smile. She gives a small wave with the other hand and makes her way towards us as soon as she reaches the floor.

"Hey guys!"

Zen just looks in awe, Yoosung is shocked and I just feel my heart jump in my chest.

She looks beautiful.

"Um- (Y/N), you look very pretty" I was chocking threw the compliment but, she smiled a blushed nonetheless.

"Oh thanks Saeyoung".

(Reader POV)

The party really starts to pick up and many students are on the dance floor. The ballroom had a high celling complete with marble floors and ceiling high windows. On the far side of the ballroom was a small balcony that over looked a small hill and rose garden.

I drift around saying hello to people as the Senior class rep. along with Saeyoung. I finished up the rounds and moved to the dance floor with Jumin. They played a slow song and it felt seemingly like I was walking on magic.

He held my waist as I am leaning on his shoulder and swayed slowly to the music. I felt happy, really truly happy. Smiling for no real complete reason. We move to the balcony away from the rest of the students and breath in the fresh air.

"Jumin thank you for everything I really mean it, it means so much to me."

"You don't need to thank me, I care for you"

I have waited for a long time to really tell him how I felt about him, I mean I have known him for so long. But he just thinks of me as a sister... I summon all courage and finally speak my truth.

"Jumin um- I dont think I can miss lead you anymore"

"What do you mean? Im sure its-"

"I dont want you to think of me as a sister. I have really loved you for a long time."

Our once peaceful and relaxing mood turns to instant tension thick in the air.

"(Y/N)- I dont know how to respond to that"

His voice is caught in his throat and cant seem to find the right words to speak. It was like time was standing still until he said,

"I'm going to leave"

I don't think before my actions and jump forward, "Wait!"

I hug him from behind and plead into his back.

"Please don't go!"

"Let me go (Y/N), I have only ever considered you family. Please...
Don't make this harder than it is."

He walks out of my grip and never turns back.

I lean all my weight on the marble railing as my tears slowly make there way down my face.

I wasn't thinking clearly ...


That was so stupid of me...

I turn to see a tall figure running towards me

Why am I like this?


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