Chapter 18: The Missing Link

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(Saeyoung POV)
The camera was the missing puzzle piece. After ruthlessly pressuring leads and hacking numerous codes I found Ray's digital foot print.

This has to be it.

I finally got it, an address. I felt the need to tell (Y/N) but, a feeling in my gut told me otherwise. After all (Y/N) thought this Ray guy was my brother, that can't be a coincidence.

With that final thought I grab my car keys and jet off, not truly thinking about the horrifying truths that would be reveled.


Things were oddly quite, school was going well but, there was a constant itching in the back of my mind.

My questioning thoughts distracted me from the class being dismissed, i only "snaped-out-of-it" when a familiar voice called.

"(Y/N) do you have a minute? I know classes are out but, I was wondering if you would walk with me?"

As I turned, my (e/c) orbs scanned the  man who was talking to me.

"Jumin, it feels like it's been awhile.."

He lightly laughed and agreed, "yes it does, doesn't it..."

I grabbed my school issued book bag and swung it over my shoulder. A fresh smile taking over my face subconsciously.

"Well let's go, no use in waiting" I said as I push past him.

He scoffed and briskly walks to catch up, the sound of our lone heeled shoes clicking filled the empty hallways.

"Just like old times huh?" He mutters to himself.

"If you mean me running off and you trying to find me, then I suppose yes... it is like old times in a funny way."

As we round the corner coming out of the school building, we start to approach a dark alley way to our side.

Thinking nothing of it we trudge along, sharing small passing laughs and moments, happy to be in each other's company.

That's when it all changed.

That's when it happened.

Suddenly out of nowhere a dark figure appeared quickly to attack Jumin with a knock to the head. The fast attack left him with no time to brace, if the hit didn't do the damage, the hard fall on the concrete surely did.

Jumin was out before he even had a chance. A dump of adrenaline filled the senses, fight or flight quickly setting into motion. I chose the latter.

I knew I couldn't handle an armed assailant, I quickly turned and started to run to get help, only to have my hair yanked from behind and the masked figure being to drag my struggling body.

"Let me go! You won't get away with this!"

My screams were endless, calling for Jumin to wake, screaming for Saeyoung, calling for anyone to hear, that all quickly ended with a swift and hard knock to my neck.

I slowly started to fade away, sleep taking over.

Saeyoung (POV)

My car raced to the address, my GPS directing me straight to the final clue. The clue which would uncover where my brother is, what mint eye truly is and how Ray ties into all of this.

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