Chapter 7: Mixed Feelings

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(Reader POV)

Things can never go back to the way they were before. With Saeyoung's arm still draped around my shoulders, I grip my skirt till my knuckles turn white.

It has been 3 days since the formal, not even a week. How can Jumin move on so quickly? Did he never even care about my feelings?

I stare at the new girl, hooked on his arm , she's laughing at everything he says.

Who is she?

I am snapped out of my mental break by a hand holding mine. I look to see Saeyoung with a sad smile on his face and frowned eyebrows.

"Why don't we head back to class huh? We shouldn't stick around here."

I take one last look at my former friend and smile. "Ya, sounds good".

(Jumin POV)

On our walk around campus, Jaehee and I laughed like never before. She seemed to really understand me in ways no one else has before. She links her arm with mine as we cross threw the courtyard. The tall rose bushes and glinting water fountain was a staple of our school and I made sure she got a chance to see it in private.

Well that was the original plan.

That sort of went to shit as I saw (Y/N) cuddled up next to the other Senior Class Rep, other wise know as Saeyoung. The loud kid in class with something always snarky to say; Well at least, he that's how he is around me.  His long arm draped around her petite shoulders as her face flushed and crinkles in a laugh.

How rich... says she's in love with me one day, then suddenly is with another. Looks like everything she said was a lie...

(Y/N) looks up at Jaehee and I with shocked wide eyes. Jaehee doesn't seem to notice the tension or at least doesn't mention it. I did something I never thought i would ever do to her. I looked through her, completely ignored her entire existence.

I move along with Jaehee and continue on with our tour despite leaving my mind and sanity behind.

We round the corner to our classroom and see Saeyoung leaning against the wall. He must have already dropped off (Y/N) at her class.

"Hey Jumin you mind if we talk?"

He says, I looked at him then at Jaehee. "Do you mind going inside ahead of me?" I smile at her reassuringly. She nods and opens the sliding wooden door.

"What did you want to talk about?"

Saeyoung's response was less than reassuring. "You know what I want to talk about". His response reminded me of a mafia gang boss ready to start a shoot out.

Well... hopefully not.

"If this has to do with (Y/N), I'm done with her.  It seems like she's done with me to. The way you two are shacking up together, it seems likes she's forgotten me entirely". I spit out the harsh truth that I saw in front of my very eyes. (Y/N) and me were never like that. She followed me around like a puppy and did what ever I told her to do. She never loved me... no one did.

"I didn't come to talk about your self esteem issues Jumin. I came to tell you, stop fu*king playing with (Y/N) feelings. She deserves better than you could have ever give her."

My Sun and Moon (Saeyoung x reader)Where stories live. Discover now