Chapter 21: My Sun and Moon

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Epilogue: My Sun and Moon


It's been about a year since we all met each other, it's been a year since all of our lives were never the same.
It's a brisk spring, and crowds of students and visitors walk our campus, smiling for the event that's soon to take place. Graduation caps and tearful parents fill my gaze.

We made it...


Familiar voices shout my name as I turn into a small breeze, I shield my eyes before I can fully see who's calling me. Before I recognized what was truly happening, I was tackled in a bear-hug by Yoosung.

I immediately felt the air getting knocked out of my lungs at the forceful contact; As soon as I was "attacked" he was peeled off by an annoyed Jumin, closely followed by a tired Jaehee and laughing Zen.

"Hey everyone, are you ready for this?"

We all stand together and think back to the time of what once was, and what we made of ourselves. Cheerful and oblivious to our group reminiscing, Yoosung asks the question on everyone's mind.

"Where's Saeyoung?"

All eyes turn to me as I softly smile, "he's bringing a really important guest today, so he's going to be a little late"

I didn't necessarily want to give the game away, but I knew that Saeyoung wanted to introduce Saeren himself so I kind of hedged the question.

" don't worry about it too much, besides I'm about to go give the " end of the year" speech, we should all go get ready to stand on stage."

True to my word, broadcasting speakers sound around the campus announcing to the gathering crowds of the beginning of the ceremony, calling all class representatives to their seats on the stage and the two senior your representatives to prepare our speeches.

With that we all dissipated and made our way to the gymnasium. Unlike the others I was worried that Saeyoung wouldn't be on time, but I knew how hard it was to get Saeren out of the house. I just really hope he doesn't miss it.

As I near the back entrance to stage, ready to give my speech to the surrounding audience of graduates and their parents, he busted through the door, undoubtedly making a large sound for everyone to hear.

I unconsciously smile and run up to him and hold him tight, I knew everything had to be okay otherwise he wouldn't have made it in the first place. No questions have to be asked, it was as if we shared a link.

Everything is truly going to be okay.

(Time skip)

Soon after graduation things started to fall into place, Zen was hired on as a broadway actor, skipping college altogether. Yoosung continues to competitively game through his journey in university, if possible loving LOLOL even more than before. Jumin immediately took a leading role in his father's business, bringing the company's growth to new heights. Jaehee followed Jumin as his assistant and was hired into his father's company as well. Saeren also was allowed to finally leave the hospital and to move into Saeyoung's apartment. Finally, Saeyoung has set aside his skills for hacking and is looking to start his own business in the new technology sector, surprising Jumin most of all.

Despite the many victories unfortunately, V fell into a state of shock and depression when he found out about the apparent suicide of his fiancé. No one could get through to him, not that Saeyoung even tried though. He ended up packing everything up and going on a self-finding journey across the world, no one has heard from him in months.

Through the process of rehabilitating Saeren, he and I formed an unlikely friendship, one that will most likely last the ages. Though Saeren now wants nothing to do with Mint eye, he decided he needed answers about what he did and who he hurt. Through this process we discovered the group's true plot, we found they wanted kidnap me and kill me in order to torture V into killing himself... apparently, I was the "key" for the " ceremony". It was also uncovered Rika had poisoned all of her followers continuously, leading all individuals involved in the cult to have lasting mental issues. Through therapy though, Saeren has shed his induced bipolar disorder and come to accept himself as someone who's loved and appreciated.

During this process of uncovering the mental and physical abuse in Mint eye, I decided to form an organization that would help donate to groups who help stop abuse and help provide for those who are in harm's way.

I call it the RFA, it's in memory of those who couldn't escape the abuse and torture of Mint eye and in memory of who Rika once was. At first I wasn't sure about the name but now, I realize people aren't born evil they are misconstrued, manipulated, and lied to their entire lives which lead to them only to continue the cycle of hate.

"Hey (Y/N), would you mind coming outside for a second? Saeyoung wanted to tell you something"

The mellow voice of Jaehee wakes me from my imagination, we were currently having an "open house party". Saeyoung and I decided to take the next step in our relationship, moving into a home where all of us, including Saeren, could live together.

As I walk to the backyard I see candles and a hushed crowd of our closest friends surrounding my dear boyfriend. As I walk closer I realize he's kneeling holding a box smiling but nervous, with slightly teary eyes.

I didn't think I would be like all these girls on TV or the Internet, who gasp and fan themselves in shock. The ones who cry and scream yes, but I suppose am what I vowed not to be.

"(Y/N), We've been together for two years now. Through all of the hardships, I have been faced with, in my highs, and in my lows you have never left my side. You push me to be a better person, you love me for who I have been, who I am, and who I will be... You love me even though there's not much to love, you love me despite everything I've done. I promised I'll love you better now and always, you are what keeps me grounded yet, pushes me to heights unknown. Please (Y/N) (M/N) Carrington, will you marry me?"

His voice enveloped me in comfort and safety, it is clear to me that he has given me a special part of his heart. It's clear that, even through the blood, sweat, and tears, we will always be meant for each other.

"Yes! Yes I will marry you!"

He stands and hugs me, burying his face into my shoulder repeating, thank you over and over again in a small barely noticeable whisper. I just smile and rub circles in his back, the cheers and laughter of the crowd not even registering to me.

Even Eric was there, undoubtedly surprising everyone.

"(Y/N) you're my Sun and Moon, without out you I wouldn't be able to live on, after all we are a never ending cycle... so thank you. Thank you for loving me."

My Sun and Moon (Saeyoung x reader)Where stories live. Discover now