Chapter 2: The Gaming Champ

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I have two things on my mind: Food and the National Gaming Championship. It takes place over the weekend locally and starts right around 10pm. It's currently 9:30 and I have not found my team members yet. This is what happens when you show up late... I'm currently stuck between a rock and hard place. The clocks ticking down and if I don't find two team mates in the next 2 minuets I will be assigned a group.  Of course this is all online but, I'm scrounging for scraps at the last possible second. The timer goes off just as Sasha, Eric's gamer ex-girlfriend replies to my text pleading for her to join up with me.

Well Shit.

         My team was assigned the name "Sky Hawks" and I was paired up with a dude called "HakerGod707" and "Come@meLOLOLO4Life"... So things are starting off Great.

         My mic does not come with a voice changer installed like literally everyone else, so when I started to go over a battel plan with my team mates, one of them awed. "You're a girl! That's so cool!" His voice was a tad high pitched but, still almost adorable. "Um... I am but, we really should be focusing on our game plan" He huffed as said "Oh okay, I still think your voice is cute". My face felt flushed as I continue to talk.

"Thank you, 707 do you have any ideas?"

"Yes, why don't we have a bait payer draw the team out as we attack them from the rear." His plan seemed solid but, I couldn't shake the feeling I have heard his voice somewhere before.

"That sounds like a really good idea, what do you think LOL?"

"Sounds good... I'll be the bait. It probably the best role for me."

        I don't really say anything but, I nodded to myself. "Okay that means (your gamer tag) and myself will attack the team from behind. We should try to lure them away from the rest of the players." 707's voice rattles around my head like a catchy sound I can't forget. Where have I heard him before?

         The timer to the star, is on its last legs. There's only 1 minuet left. I just hope we win. "Alright team, let's do this!" My voice is excited and rushed but, I'm just so ready for this chance. LOL chuckles lightly and 707 laughs,

"yes! Let's do this!!"

With that, the game begins.

(Saeyoung/707 POV)

      Her laugh fills my ears, and warms my heart. Do I know her? Her voice rattles around my head as all I can think about is "who is she?".

       The timer goes off an the game is on. Her avatar is small and blue, her eyes are bright gold and she has fangs. It's quite unique. She wear a (dress option). All together the avatar looks pretty good.

       Meanwhile I look like a tall hobo. I have a scruffy beard and cowboys hat. I just have a southern look going on. Completely different from real life... I feel a sweat drop coming on.

         Then LOLO's avatar is totally otherworldly. It's a small dragon like person, dark black with deep red eyes. But.... it walks like a human. Despite that, the guy seems normal.

         I see her avatar rushing off to our game point, where we will stage the ambush. I try to find a good advantage point. I suppose i could have hacked the game to win without any issue but, where's the fun in that?

"707, I hear foot steps approaching me." Her voice lingered in my ears but, I pay it not mind.

"Okay, the games about to really start. LOLO get in place. (Gamer tag) I will be there as soon as possible."

I race around trees till I reach (gamer tag), hiding behind a large boulder. I bend down beside her as she gasps.

"When did you show up!"

"Just now silly"

She huffs in her mic and her avatar points behind the boulder. "The team is right there. They are camped out by the cliff, LOLO need to get here ASAP."

"Okay let me message him".

The other team sets up camp and starts to go on patrols when LOLO wanders threw the trees.  He walks aimlessly until he sees the other team. He waves and walks towards them.

"Can you tell me where my team is... our camp is set up by the lake but, I can't find my way back". He acts very innocently until one of the member n the other team laughs.

"Sure, let us walk you there" He gives a look to the other player and they all get up and walk into the woods. The road starts to narrow the farther they walk in. That's when we attack.

(Reader POV)

Its safe to say we demolished them, but really LOLO got the last laugh. He single handily killed all of them.

We slowly worked our way threw the ranks of the other teams till we faced the last. The final battel.

I personally didn't think we would make it this far but, now that I'm here... I wont lose!

707 and LOLO keep the team leader busy as I take the one other member. There third member already logged out due to his avatar malfunctioning.

My opponent was a tall buff tan man with horns and red eyes. His stature overpowered me with raw strength but, he is incredibly slow.

But... I have an advantage. I recently picked up a double sword skill, I haven't used it yet in a fight but, I think its going to do the trick. The battle rages on as he lands multiple hits on me but not before I lob his arm off. He wraps his hand around my neck and starts to strangle me. My HP bar is running red and I'm about to log out but... then a miracle happens. 707 jumps and cuts his head off. I'm dropped instantly and he catches me in his arms. Although its an avatar, I blush in real life.

"Thank you 707..."

"No sweat, honey bun"

I look over to LOLO and he stands over the final boss. We won.

I jump in surprise out of my chair IRL. My screen flashes a "congrats on winning! Please come to XXX on XXXXX ST. to meet the games creators and receive your prize".

The game itself is a huge deal so that means our team will probably be interviewed. I race to my closet and try to find something presentable. In the end I change into (Clothing) and (fav. shoes). I call my nanny to ready the driver and race down stairs.

"Alfred let's drive!"

(Yoosung POV)

I stand in a room full of reporters and game designers talking and taking photos of me. I look to my right and see Saeyoung or "HackerGod707", we are just waiting for (Gamer tag) to arrive.  The stage door opens to reveal a beautiful girl with long (color) hair wearing (clothing). She looks around till she spots Saeyoung.

"Um... are you HackerGod707? My name is (Y/N), we met at the welcoming speech. I also go by (Gamer tag)." Her voice is soft and low as she has a small blush on her checks. He scatches his head and says in a hushed voice "Oh you're (Gamer Tag) your almost more pretty in real life. I didn't even know you were into gaming".

"Yup, I have quite a bit of free time on my hands"

They continue to talk as I walk over to them. "Hi, my name is Yoosung, I'm (Come@meLOLOLO4Life). It's nice to finally meet you". They both smile at me as we all start to talk about where we are from.

"I go to a private school called Lawrenceville." The blonde stated, honesty just excited he got a chance to meet people with similar interests.

"get out man! I go there to!" I said with surprise.

"No way! Not only do (Y/N) and myself go there, but you go there to Yoosung?"

"That's awesome! We should all hang out there together!"

"That would be great!"

Our conversation gets cut short as the interview starts. "How did you feel about the game? Any changes you would recommend? Anything you really liked?"

Our answers varied threw the interview but, we all agreed to meet up on Monday under the cherry blossom trees.

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