Chapter 19: Against the Clock

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Somewhere else...

(Y/N) had no idea what to think. Here she was siting to the cold floor like some sort of dog. Her pride was injured but not as much as her aching scalp, you see apparently Saeren likes to pull hair when he doesn't get his way... if she didn't know any better, she might have thought it was some type of kink.

Besides physical injuries, her mind swirled with unanswered questions...

He told me his name is Saeren, does that mean he is Saeyoung's brother?

Will Saeyoung save me?

Is this place Mint eye?

Her (E/C) eyes drifted to his grimacing face as he typed away on his computer. A mash of numbers and letters appearing on screen in no particular order. Suddenly a set of numbers appeared on his screen 404 and he screamed in frustration.

"Um... are you okay?"

she cursed at herself for asking anything but, she unintentionally was slightly concerned... after all he is her boyfriends brother.

He glances over at her cowering figure and glares but, once he sees a few tears gather in her glassy eyes, he felt a pang in his heart. (Y/N) looked up in surprise at his softened expression, wondering if there really was a chance to bring him back into the light.

"You can lay on my bed, I suppose it doesn't matter if your going to be here for awhile" he mutters and ignores a slight gasp from her.

He glances at her wobbling figure in the reflection of his computer screen.

Maybe I shouldn't have been so harsh on her... ugh im so confused! How should I act around her?

"whatever... maybe I'll be kinder to her..." he mutters as he continues to type, not noticing (Y/N) slight smile at his words while cuddling into his bed sheets.

(Saeyoung) POV

After finding the lead to track down Saeren, I realized that (Y/N) was gone. It must have him, it must have been mint eye. Frustration took over, I felt so blinded by anger. When I took this job, V promised to take care of him, promised he would live a better life. Everything that man said was a lie. Look where it brought me.

While my computer did the heavy lifting, I called V. While the line ringed I felt my breath catch in my throat. I once trusted this man not only with my life but, with my brothers as well. I need to recognize not only has he put my life in danger but my brothers and (Y/N)'s as well... and that's unforgiveable.


"Your going to pay for what you've done"


An unwilling part of me was happy I got to meet Saeren, that I get this chance to meet the man my boyfriend loves so much; But, the logical side of my brain is urging caution, worrying about the damage he could inflict.

I feel for him, knowing his past. All I wish is that we could connect, and he would understand I just want to be his friend.

Zoning out lead me to quite a surprise when he called for my attention. I slowly maneuvered off his bed and edged toward his beckoning call.

"Um... yes... master" my small voice squeaking out.

From a sideways glance I can see him grimace but, he says nothing, opting to keep it to himself.

"I'm going to eat dinner... would you like to join me?"

I hide my surprise at his soft tone and quickly nod in happiness.

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