Chapter 12: Lose Ends

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I don't know anymore.

I keep thinking back to when Saeyoung pulled me aside and told me he loved me. That he truly cared for me... was it a lie?

I want to believe him but... I don't know if I should.

We arrived back on school grounds last night around 1 am. My mind continued to drift to what I should say to Saeyoung and what I could have changed.

I know I shouldn't have my mind set on my him 24/7 but... it's hard not to, especially when I feel like he's trapped in darkness.

Somewhere else...

She's finally back... I was so worried about her. I thought maybe she had gotten lost and couldn't find her way home.

Through my monitor, I saw her fumbling with her many  keys to open her school issued dorm room. On my second monitor I saw her once dark, untouched room, fill with light from the ceiling fan being switched on and her walking in and kicking her sandals off.

I lightly laugh as she collapsed on her bed and moaned in frustration.

She may be "just a Subject" to the savior but, she sure is relatable.

She pulls off her red hoodie and slips off her non-athletic yoga pants to jump straight in bed.  My cheeks flush as she pulls her bra off leaving her almost entirely nude under the sheets.

The savior will not be pleased with my indecent thoughts, I must ignore these feelings and focus on my task... for a greater purpose... to find paradise.

She cuddles under the sheets and switched the lights off from a remote. Meanwhile, mumbling something about someone named Akashi under her breath.

I need to find this person named Akashi, a new player on the board may change the game.

The savior will not be pleased.

I get out of my chair and move into the hallway passing believers on the way to worship. I knew it had missed the services for two days straight but, my mission was important.

Paradise could wait if the savior needed help.

Along the gold rimmed hallways that were lit with crystal chandeliers, I ran to the chambers of the Great One.

"Savior, the key has arrived back home! It seems like she has a current connection with someone named Akashi. How would you like me to proceed?"

She turned and looked at me with her lifeless eyes that I love so much and said, "things are moving quickly around here, I would like for you personally to over see her. You will no longer need to give me progress reports, instead you can make final decisions on her placement within our sanctuary without my consent. Please do not mishandle this responsibility Ray."

I get to decide, I'm in charge....

"Okay Savior, I shall divert my full attention towards the key. For Paradise."

"For Paradise"

The Next Day...

"So Vice President of the Student Council? I knew my girlfriend was smart but, now I really feel like the dumb one in the relationship." The red head mumbles out with his arm around my shoulders.

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