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Like all great love stories, they met by accident

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Like all great love stories, they met by accident. He didn't intend to stop by the bar that night, honestly he was actually quite busy but.... when he heard her honey-suckle voice echo out of the tavern, he knew he was hooked. Sensory overload slowly dripped down his spine like a sap running down an oak tree, completely encompassing. He was covered in it, he was soaked in a new type of sensation, a type of dependence that filled every crevasse of his body, drenched in a new and foreign type of infatuation.

He didn't truly realize it at the time but, soon after he pushed her away, he found out how truly addicted he was.


Life itself wasn't intriguing any more for the pink haired ninja

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Life itself wasn't intriguing any more for the pink haired ninja. In fact it was extremely boring, for Sakura. Everything was changing while she was the only thing remaining the same. Over the years she grew stronger, more beautiful and respected ... but no one noticed how on the inside she was crumbling. Just trying to make her way in life, running to catch up with that team that, left her behind.

She gave up. She left Konoha, because she knew she was strong and that they were never going to notice her. Walking for days on end, she bumped into an old enemy. The puppet seeing the potential in her and the emotionless eyes, he decides to bring her to the Akatsuki. She finds love and hope.


Sakura Haruno's life is a series amazing events, chances taken you can only dream of, friends that only exist in movies,family that's with you every step the way

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Sakura Haruno's life is a series amazing events, chances taken you can only dream of, friends that only exist in movies,family that's with you every step the way. She is the type of person that is free from everything and everyone. Nothing ties her back, but what if she really is caged behind invisible bars, her whole life.

She lives in a Village called Konoha, an only child, amazing parents, and talented friends. She decides she wants to become a ninja, so in the Academy, away from everything she knows she was on the team that consists of three people her sensei Kakashi, team mates Naruto Uzmaki, and Sasuke Uchiha her best friends,but after all her luck runs dry Sasuke leaves the village, Naruto goes after him but leaves her behind, Kakashi follows Naruto leaving her in a Village that thinks she is the reason they left. Her mom goes missing dad Is suspected of faking his death as well, leaving her alone. So when grieving, ready to die she gets confronted by another Uchiha.


Be warned, it literally makes no sense

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Be warned, it literally makes no sense. Enjoy my collection of internet anime memes.

Thank you again!
You can find these under my account Day2780

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