Chapter 17: The King Maker

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The next day, after Ray and I exchanged addresses the night before, Saeyoung and I went to Ray's apartment, only to find it completely empty and no sign of inhabitants.

After several phone calls and texts to no avail, I was left with a worried hole in my gut.

Was he lying to me? I mean we texted and really connected yesterday, why would he lie?

The door was open, so we let ourselves in, only to find odd documents and a broken picture frame.

Saeyoung scavenged around looking at the paper work as I stared at the two people in the photo. One was obviously Ray but the other really looked like someone it shouldn't. It really looked like... Rika.

What in the world is Rika doing in all of this? And how does she know Ray?

What does all of this mean?

Somewhere else...

"Crap! I knew I forgot something, I can't believe I left the picture behind!" Ray hissed at himself as he paced around the room. It was his intention to meet with "the key" again but, once Savior heard of his convoluted plan, she put a stop to it. She stopped him before he could even probably clear the fake apartment.

He clenched his fists and yelled in frustration. The believers in the near by area purposely avoided his room, in fear of his tantrums.

Back at the apartment...

  Is this Rika? What would she be doing here of all places? Why isn't Ray here and what does all this mean?

"(Y/N) come look at these documents, I don't know what to think about them." I hear Saeyoung yell over his shoulder.

I quickly take the photo out of the framed picture and work my way across the dirty room, over to my boyfriend. I look over his shoulder and the papers he had spread across the creaky wooden floor. Several were blue prints with codes I couldn't decipher but, atop the 5th and final page was the title "Mint Eye". Among the title was a list of materials that were needed for a "serum".

My mind was spinning, "what is going on..." I whisper to myself as Saeyoung just shakes his head.

"I don't know but, whatever it is, it isn't good."

Time skip~

We arrived back to the dorms shortly after grabbing a bite to eat, my mind still crawling with ideas about V's current lover.

Why would she be in a photograph with Ray? Someone potentially related to Saeyoung... all these things don't seem to add up.

"Hey you should know I saw a photo with Rika and Ray... it seems like they know each other isn't that weird?"

He looks over and raises an eyebrow "You mean Rika, V's lover? I have only briefly heard about her."

"it was defiantly her, her blonde hair and emerald eyes were unmistakable"

"hmm, ill have to look further into it, just relax okay princess. This will all work out" he says and pulls me into a hug.

"Alright, bye."

After I waved goodbye to the energetic redhead, I headed threw the dormitory entrance. I fully intended to go to my afternoon classes but I knew I needed to grab my textbooks in my dorm first.

Rushing slightly due to the fear of being late yet again to my World Studies class, led me to be rash and throw open my heavy old wooden door. A loud and audible thump against the wall shook the already unstable picture frame that sat on the edge of my dresser, causing it to fall in my rush to leave. The shattered glass cracked underneath my calculated steps as I neared the frame. I reach slowly and carefully in order not to injure myself or cause more of a mess, picking up the frame and shaking it slightly a small back object hung from the center of the frame by a wire.

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