Chapter 9: True Colors

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Saeyoung laid his arm around my shoulder as we walked to lunch only to be pushed apart by an "off the walls" Yoosung. Zen was hot on his trail but, stopped in front of us and raised an eyebrow. "Are you official now?"

I look at Saeyoung questionly because I never bothered to ask myself. He nods his head with a smile. "Ya, were together." Zen smiles and says, "Finally, all the sexual tension was getting awkward." I felt my face go red as I hid in Saeyoung's chest. I could hear his heart skip a couple beats to.

We go to sit at our regular lunch table only to be greeted by two familiar faces. "Are these seats taken?" Jumin asks with Jaehee by his side. "No, your welcome to sit here."

We all pull out our lunches and bento boxes while Saeyoung just shares mine. Isn't that just what true love is, the ability to share food?

I lean on Mr. HoneyBuddha's shoulder and just smile. Not for any real reason, just because. Even Jaehee (I'm still not sure how I feel about her) was smiling like a fool. Her and Jumin seemed close, part of me was jealous as a best friend but the other part if me was happy for him.

I was shaped out of my trance by Saeyoung "booping" my nose. "Hey there cutie, you come her often?"

I laugh lightly and say, "you would know, you big oaf"

He holds his heart in pain and smiles, "that cut deep, honey"

I didn't respond, instead vying to blush the color of a tomato. Saeyoung's long, pale, rough fingers intertwine with mine under the table as Yoosung talks on and on about a new game. 

Sooner rather than later the lunch bell rang, signaling the end of lunch. Everyone gets up before Jumin's eyes catch mine and nods to the side.

I let go of Mr. HoneyBudda's hand and gave him a small smile. He gave me a questioning look as I just shook my head and headed off with Jumin.

Away from the crowd and stampeding feet, we stood alone. I cross my arms waiting for his explanation.

"I know I told you to do after Saeyoung and everything yesterday but..."

Jumin's voice trails off as he looks off into the distance.

"But what Jumin? We literally got together yesterday, just let me enjoy this while it lasts..."

He puts his hand on my shoulder and gave me a small smile. "You know I love you, all I want is for you to be safe. He cares about you, that much is obvious but, I just want to make sure your ready for this commitment."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I frown my brows in frustration, the feeling of being accused runs threw my veins.

"Well, you haven't known him as long as I have... before he met you he was different. He was colder and distant. I believe he was mentally unstable, I just want you to be careful. What if he's dangerous?"

"Excuse me? Really Jumin, we just made up yesterday please don't ruin this." I jester to him and me.

"I'm not trying to, just be careful around him. I love you, you know that right?"

I sigh and push past the feeling nawwing at my gut. "Yes, yes I know. Love you to but, we just got together. Just let us get into our grove."

He nods and sighs as well. "Alright, I get it... One last thing, I dropped off your bag and gift at your dorm."

I smile a small smile and hug him. "Thanks for trusting me, I have to go now. Saeyoung is probably waiting for me.."

"Okay... I'll see you later then."

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