Chapter 10: Unanswered Questions

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"He is a dangerous man"

I leave the bowl outside Saeyoung's room and bolt out of the boys dormitory.

I just need to get out of here.

Almost like it was fate I run straight into my only family left. Eric.

I didn't even realize how late it was, till he showed up. It must be around midnight for him to be around.

We both get up off the ground, we fell onto when i came tumbling out of the elevator.

"Why the hell are you here at this hour, (Y/N)?"

I just freeze with a shocked look on my face as he laughs. "Oh I get it, you were 'getting it' weren't you? You dirty slut, I knew you weren't all perfect."

I feel my face flush as I push past him, "No Eric, I wasn't 'getting it' but I forgot to check the time. I have to go now"

He calls after me with sharp insults but I pay it no mind. I had bigger fish to fry.

I run all the way back to my dorm as I throw open my door. Thank the gods I don't have a roommate or she would be seriously pissed right now.

I roll onto my bed hold myself thinking about the information I just found.

Should I question him?

Should I tell him I saw and hope for the best?

Would he be angry?

Would he hurt me?


Was he just using me?

So many thoughts run through my head as I start to cry. He was just using me to get to my dad... he never loved me. I'm nothing, I knew it.

Eric was right, in useless no one will ever love me.

My negative and self harming thoughts were I tripped by a text from one of my only loved ones.

Jumin🐱: did you get to your dorm safe?

My tears drop on my screen as I pick up my phone to call him.

"Jumin- hicup- please come over- hicup- you were right- sniffles- he was just using me"

I didn't need to say anything else before he says, "I'm on my way, sit still... don't do anything stupid."

I huddle myself in the corner of my bed, just as Saeyoung was when I left him. I still and rethink our small moments together. Wether it was walking to class bumping hands or sharing lunches, I thought it was real. We probably rushed into the relationship before it could probably start but, I thought it was real. That's probably what he wanted, my easy emotions are what makes me an easy target...

Maybe it was all a misunderstanding?

Maybe it was a cruel joke?

Maybe... hopefully...

"(Y/N) I'm here open the door!"

I stumped over to the door and see a sweating, stressed Jumin.



He steps into my room and hold me in his arms. I just cry and hold his shirt in my clenched fists.

"Why did this have to happen? Why- hiccup- why"

He just holds me and rubs my back. "There no reason... there never is"

My Sun and Moon (Saeyoung x reader)Where stories live. Discover now