Chapter 15: Accidental Friendship

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Ever since the relay race I have tried to stay clear from Akashi. It just seems like where I go, I just happen to run into him.

"Oh hey Seijuro... how are you?"

He just smiles and runs his fingers through his blood red hair. It's almost as if he's trying to give me a heart attack. After that whole ordeal, I had to explain to Saeyoung that Akashi's kiss meant nothing to me and I felt uncomfortable the entire time. He just nodded and held me tight, like any good lover would do. Despite that, I felt bad he even had to witness it.

"I'm good (Y/N) it seems like wherever I go, I seem to bump into you. It's like fate."

"Haha... sure..." I felt myself mumble as I tried to step away from him.

"Well it was nice seeing you Seijuro, I'll have to be going now!" I say moving past him only to be caught by a hand on my shoulder.

"We should go out sometime... just me and you. How about dinner this Saturday?"

I just felt myself freeze, he knows I'm dating Saeyoung, then why is he putting me in this position?

"Um Seijuro, you seem like a really nice guy but, I'm already dating Saeyoung. I'm sorry" I paused and looked down at my feet. "...well um. I guess I'll see you around." With that I shake out of his grip on my shoulder and scamper down the hallway.

Why does this always happen to me?

I hurry down the hallway quickly taking turns that I have no clue where they lead to, my mind just seemed to be stuck somewhere else.

I just run and run till I bump and fall onto someone.

Just great...

Somewhere else...

(Ray POV)

Crap I didn't mean for it to go this far.

I had only intended to see her out in the open, not from behind a video monitor... I didn't this would happen.

I feel my feet trip and stumble beneath me as I run away from my impending doom. I had to run into him.


It was only for a brief second but, long enough for him to study my face and realize who I was.

What a fool I am.

I hightailed it out of the crowed area he and I were in and ran full speed through the campus buildings trying to find a place to hide.

At least those were my intentions. That's when it hit me... I mean literally hit me.

Well I suppose I was the one that hit her.


The collision sent both of us flying. I ended up falling flat on my ass, by a (hair colored) girl. Once I fixed my eyes on her face I realized who she was. It was the girl I had been assigned to spy on! In stead of freaking out and becoming unconsciously violent, I instead became flustered with her appearance and began to apologize.

"Oh- sorry. I didn't mean.." I looked up shocked at who I was on top of me.

Her (Eye Color) eyes peered down at me in confusion. "No, it's really okay. It was my fault actually, I wasn't looking where I was going... I'm really sorry!" She stood up and bowed deeply.

Her school issued, Navy Blue skirt flared around her as she straighten herself. Paired with a white button up shirt and gray sweater, I just felt like I was staring at a back-to-school dress ad. Despite that,  my underling and unintentional thought was, she's beautiful.

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