Chapter 3: The Dancing Queen

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After winning the National Gaming Championship we were kind of famous. Not really but, just a little. Today is the official first day of school and the school board insists that seniors must live on campus so my single bed dorm is filled with unpacked boxes. My alarm goes off at 6 as I stumble out of bed. Is it a coincidence I stubbed my toe just as I got out of bed? Probably not but, lets just say its fate. I clean myself up and head down stairs to grab some breakfast. As I walk around the kitchen trying to find the spoons, I over heard some classmates taking about the spring formal coming up next week.

Isn't it kind of soon?

Well apparently not because, there are posters all around campus. I look at my phone as I walk to class and see a unknown number had texted me. I scroll threw and see a text message that read "Hey, this is Yoosung! It turns out were in the same class!"

I almost stop in my tracks, This is awesome! I won't be the odd one out! After I got ready and grabbed my things I had a smile is plastered on my face. I unintentionally race threw the hallways to see Yoosung. I weave my way threw the masses and partially throw open the sliding door.


His golden hair and magenta eyes mesmerize me as I smile like a fool. He smiles back at me and gestures to a free seat beside him.

"(Y/N) you made it! I was worried I got the class wrong..."

"Nope, your right on the money!"

He laughs as we continue to talk till our teacher walks in. "Hello class my name is Mr. Okinawa, ill be your home room teacher. Ill start with roll call then we will pick a class rep. and two event planers."

"Yuki Aiknawa" "Here"

"(Y/N) Carrington" "Here"

"Seijuro Park" "Here"

"Ryu Hyun" "Here"

"Yoosung Kim" "Here"

He continues down the list till our class of 23 were all accounted for. "Our class rep. will most obviously (Y/N) Carrington due to her out standing marks on her application test. Does anyone object?"

The position was sort of thrown on me but, its not that I really minded.

"No? Let's move onto event planers, any volunteers?"

I look at Yoosung with pleading eyes and he sighs. "I volunteer".

The teacher gives him a smile and jots down his name. I laugh at the teachers joy and pat Yoosung on the shoulder. Suddenly Yoosung's spotlight was taken by a tall pale guy will very long white hair. "I volunteer as well". In short... this guy is beautiful. My mouth slightly opens as he turns to face us. "I can't wait to work with you both!"

Yoosung and me share a look of uncertainty but, nevertheless return the smile.


Class moves on as I stare out the window wishing time would speed up. I am a good student but, I already know all of this material. Time only seems to pass slowly as the bell finally rings. "Its lunch, we will pick up where we left off when you get back". I smile at Yoosung as we walk to the cafeteria to grab a bite. On our way there someone pushes Yoosung and me apart and throws their long arms around us. His red hair and comforting smell instantly lets me know who it is.

"Hey Saeyoung".

"Heyaaaaa wass poppin my peps".

Yoosung just sighs and says in a chuckle "Were heading to lunch want to, grab some with us?"

"Oh yaaa, just let me go grab some Dr. Pepper".

My brow cocks and I laugh. "Just make sure you don't get a sugar high".

"No promises princess"

I feel my cheeks heat up as I lean into his arm. "Whatever you say, gamer boy"

Yoosung perks up and says "I forgot to mention, we are all basically famous now! Well in the gaming community anyways... We were the black horse in the running, no one thought we could win! Now I wake up to see myself on Gamer Monthly's Front cover!"

"Back it up, are you serious?! I love that magazine!" I feel my heart beat just with anticipation. Yoosung pulls out his phone and scolls threw his camera feed till I see it, Myself swished between Saeyoung and Yoosung. We all are smiling and laughing. I feel a small smile on my face as I look at the photo.

We reach a open lunch table by the window in the cafeteria as we sit and chill out, then I hear my name called across the crowed cafeteria. "(Y/N)!!!" I look to see Ryu making his way over here.

"Oh hey Ryu! How's it going?"

      He gives a mega watt smile and sits down. "Hey, i'm doing great now that your here! Also, please call me Zen, I don't care for my legal name".

I shrug it off and nod. I hear to my left Saeyoung say "On that note, who exactly are you?"

"Oh let me introdouce him, this is Zen Hyun. He's an event planer in my class, he works with me and Yoosung."

"Hmmmm, I get it...Welcome to the cult."

I laugh, Yoosung sighs, Zen just look confused and Saeyoung cackled.

    We continue to laugh and talk for awhile until I feel someone tap my shoulder. I turn around to see Jumin with a cup of coffee. "Is this seat taken?" I don't really find the ability to respond quickly as my heart was jumping in my chest. "Um... of course Jumin I- uh I mean we would love to have you sit here." I was probably blushing like a fool while Yoosung continued the conversation. Saeyoung across me, cocked his brow and gave me a look, basically saying You good bro? I just nod and laugh it off.

   "So, (Y/N), Yoosung and Zen are all in class A but, me and Jumin are stuck in Class B?? This seems totally unfair!" Saeyoung huffs and stairs up at the ceiling, almost as if he was expecting the world to change because he disapproved. I laugh a little and smile at him. "Saeyoung don't be to upset! After midterms they switch the class roster around depending on grades! That means if we all keep our grades up, I'm sure we can be together after midterms!"

"You're so right (Y/N)! I didn't even think about that!" He smiles like the sun, its almost blinding.

"Side bar guys, did you hear the news? We are having a spring formal next week! Don't you think it's a little soon? I mean how would you find a date that quickly?" Yoosung stares off into space in frustration. "Don't worry Yoosung, I'm sure the school board means it to be an ice breaker for all the students! Don't dread it to much!" I smile gently and continue to sip my milk cartoon.

      "Speaking of which, (Y/N) did you want to be my date to the spring formal?" I almost shoot milk from my nose as Jumin causally stops my heart. "Jumin? You do know it's not like your expected to have a-" I get cut off by him. "I have known you for the longest time, don't pretend you haven't dreamt of this. You have never had a chance to go to a formal school dance, plus I promised you when we were kids I would be the first to take you". I couldn't really find the right words to respond so I just stumbled threw an okay.

"Um, Your not wrong but, that was centuries ago. You don't have to bring me if you don't want to..."

"Don't be so frighten (Y/N), were family. It's not like I'm a stranger. You don't get a choice in this matter, you are going with me".

Zen huffs in annoyance, Yoosung looks like his eyes are going pop out of his head and Saeyoung has a unreadable expression but, if I had to guess, probably not happy.

Before Zen steps in on my behalf, I give him a small smile and say "Sure, if you really want to".

Jumin says a small goodbye before he gets up to leave for class early, "It will be like the old days, you will be a dancing queen". I just blush and look at my shoes as Zen looks like he's going to flip a table yelling out,

"He is so -ugh!"

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