Chapter 6: New Girl in Town

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My mind still wonders adrift, debating if my actions were correct. The way her eyes were filled with tears and the sound of her pleading made my spine shiver... Was it the right choice to leave?

"Will Jumin Han please report to the front desk."

I ignore the stares I get from my classmates as I head down the hallway. What could they possibly need? I already turned in all the needed paperwork for my class and dropped off the attendance roster.

I open the sliding wooden door to the front office to see the kind old librarian manning the desk. "Ah Jumin, there you are." She pauses and purses her lips before continuing. "We have a new student in your class. Please show her around campus and escort her back to class".

"Ah of course Mrs. Akain" I say with my eyes scanning the room. Off in the left corner a girl my age sits in very formal attire. She has short cut hair but wears a skirt and blazer. We do have a strict dress code here but, her wardrobe looks more fit for a business meeting in NYC.

"Hello miss...?" I say will small smile. She looks and frowns her brow. "Jaehee, Jaehee Kang" her voice is soft and her words seem carefully thought out. "Nice to meet you Jaehee, I'm class rep, Jumin Han".

"Likewise Jumin"

(Reader POV)

Saeyoung and me got back to the dorms late last night so he ended up crashing in my room to avoid the late night patrols. The only problem was the unexpected visitor at my door. I shot up from my sleep by a stern knock on my door and shout saying " Mandatory Dorm Inspection".

At first I didn't realize Saeyoung was even still here till I tripped on him with my fuzzy bunny slippers as I waked to the door.

"Aw shit, what was that—" I was cut short by shock and immediate panic.

"Holy crap get up!" I whisper/shout at him. He just groans and rolls over. "now!"
I say quickly as the dorm Monitor bangs on my door again. He opens his eye and smiles with tangled bed head. "Hey cutie, you come her often?"

I blush and say "Now is like the worst possible time for jokes! Get up and hide!"

He gets the memo and ducks behind my curtains and my bed. I walk and open the door with a smile. "Can I help you Miss Dorm Monitor?" I questioned sweetly.

She sighs and pushes past me. " routine check missy, step aside". I start to panic as she starts scanning my room. All senior girls on campus share a dorm but, like all dorms their are strict rules in place.

1. No males and/or company from the hours of 10pm- 11am in the dorms

2. No drugs or alcohol

3. No potential fire hazards

4. Quite hours will be enforced from 5pm-8pm on Mondays to Thursdays

5. No pets

Well that's the general run down of the "handy" rule book. I glance at my wall clock, it's 9:21 am, not even close to 11 am.

We are so screwed.

The plump hall monitor and her ever so classy stained checkered dress shirt were blinding my eyes as she rummaged threw my room. Thankfully she avoided my bed but, didn't fail to notice the extra large shoes laying on the floor, against the wall.

"Now what do we have here Miss Carrington?" she asks in a condescending voice, almost as if she expected this. "Mrs. Dorm Monitor, I don't recall having an extra pair of shoes to be a crime. If it is, feel free to give me a fine". My snarky remark drove her attention away from the curtains, the curtains she was about to walk strait into.

"You are correct Miss Carrington but, do you know what is a violation? Male company past 10 pm and before 11 am."

"Well, as you can see I have no company. Especially company of another gender... so no violation" my words are long and sarcastic. Hopefully this keeps her questions and searching to a minimum.

"You're lucky today Carrington. Let's just hope your lucky doesn't run out." Her words are menacing and it seems like she's just aching for me to "mess up".

"Well lets hope it doesn't". With those final parting words, the plump hall monitor leaves a trail of stench and sickeningly sweet perfume in her wake.

As her foot steps get farther away I run to pull a squished Saeyoung out from behind my bed.

(Saeyoung POV)

"Are you okay?" (Y/N) says with obvious worry in her voice.

"Yup, no need to worry bout me. All is good." I feel an unintentional smile crawl it's way onto my face. I find myself wondering if maybe just being around her just naturally lightens the mood. Maybe that's why I always feel better around her, cause its just nature.

I suppose the reason doesn't matter, if the end result is the same. She makes me happy, what's so wrong with that?

Sooner rather than later we collect ourselves and sneak out the window to our second period classes. I wrap my arm around her small shoulders as we walk to class. We laugh and lean into each other, This is what the true high school experience is. Spending it with someone who can match your wave length and have a good time.

Our short laughs and inside jokes were put on hold as Jumin Han and a unfamiliar face walked across the court yard. He said something and the new girl laughed and touched his arm. I felt (Y/N) grip on my arm tighten as he looked at her.

It was almost like a clip from a movie, Jumin Han was despicable. He knows how badly he hurt (Y/N)'s feelings and now he's just toying with her. He looked right past her with the "New Girl" hooked on his arm.

Even without words it was obvious (Y/N) was in pain.

How could Jumin just look at her like that? How could he look at her like that right after she sobbed her heart out into his back only the night before. I had heard rumors he was heartless and cold but this... this is unforgiveable. (Y/N) deserves the world and Jumin isn't going to be the one to give it to her.

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